Let's be real...
It's hard...
Loving yourself...
Sometimes you can look at your life, look at mistakes or what you think are mistakes and you judge yourself...
You think: Damn seriously is that not the third...fourth...fifth...time, have you not learned...
You think: You are so old and where are you now?
You think: At this point why bother...
Buying, wearing things to feel pretty...to feel handsome...to look put together;
on the outside...
You even trick yourself into believing you are pretty awesome...
Until that moment of silence, that walk outside, when you can hear the arguement that is going on with yourself...
When yourself is calling you out on you idiocracies...
And you want to cry, but you can't let them see;
you sweat...
You let yourself beat yourself up when you are alone...
Just quit while your ahead...
Its not you its...
You can't run from yourself...
Wherever you go...
you go...
Running leads to false contentment...
But you will catch up to you and you will hate you again...
What do they say?
Only God can judge me?
Maybe you should tell you, only God can just you...
Maybe you will leave you alone...
Maybe you should remember the past has passed...
Go ahead...
Get it out...
Call yourself names...
Wish that you had never been born...
It hurts...
You can' t help that you hurt...
When its all out...
When no more tears can fall from your eyes...
Get yourself to a mirror...
Look at yourself...
Don't get angry at the cry baby face you see...
Look yourself in the eyes...
And apologize...
Say: "I'm sorry, I've hated you, for the same reason haters hate."
Because underneath it all...
Deep down...
You know you have a purpose...
So apologize to yourself...
Then you should forgive yourself...
God already forgave you...
If God forgave you...
You have got to see that you have to forgive yourself...
And feelings of being less than...
They return at times...
You have to remember that God forgave you...
And you forgave yourself...
So keep going....
When I am down, I turn to writing...and I through journaling blogging, writing, whatever, I talk myself out being sad or down and hope that someone else can relate and it makes them feel better too....
Monday, December 31, 2012
Monday, December 24, 2012
I will not say Bah-humbug!
Well... here we are on Christmas Eve, unfortunately this is one of very FEW Christmas' where I just don't feel the spirit.
The spirit of Jesus is with me always, but I am talking about that superficial OMG its Christmas, "Santa's gonna make you mine this Christmas"..."All I want for Christmas is you."
I guess I mean its not feeling like a Mariah Christmas right now and I am about an hour and twenty minutes away, probably will be closer when I finish.
Just been a different feeling in the air since September. Don't know why. I pretty much accomplished the goals of 2012 at least for my education. Finished my Praxis Tests and passed, Finished all my required courses, finished the Autism Certification class, 2013 with be all about student teaching graduation and 1st teaching positions. (SAY WHAT!) All of which is VERY exciting.
Technically there is someone in my life, nothing official, but our next "date" has alot to do with Power Rangers and Lando of Star Wars. VERY exciting stuff once again in 2013.
Don't know why I am so bummed out...I mean I got my mom what she has been asking for...which could go good or bad considering she asked me NOT to get for fear of the cost. Oh well. I have been getting what I want all year, like my wedge sneaker collection, that although I have worn them around town, they are going to be so perfect for my power ranger date (LMAO)! All I need now is that damn COMMUNICATOR...Soon...SOON!
I could be bummed out from just being old. I am 28 going on 29 and although I still get mistaken for 16-18...my body knows the difference. Maybe my nerves about student teaching are getting me all bummed out. I really haven't been able to think about anything else. I worry about alot that revolves around student teaching, but at the end of the day I know I must pray about it and give it to God, I know I am worried for no reason because really he has already made a way for me. I am with an awesome teacher, my clinical supervisor is awesome for my practicum, and I know I will be working with a great group of students. Now if only I could make myself a great student teacher/better person in general.
I don't know... maybe I need to watch a bunch of Christmas themed movies, we watched Christmas Cupid (Ex-mas) today which we had watched before, other than that I have been watching super sentai. SMH....
And maybe the memories of this past weekend are dancing around in my noggin, hmmmm how about all of the above....
I tell you what I REFUSE to say Bah Humbug!!!! SO MERRY CHRISTMAS! Life is up and down, I am somewhere between at the moment... actually I have been up for the most part since 2010 :) God is Good! I guess that is the overall message to be remembered during this holiday season!
The spirit of Jesus is with me always, but I am talking about that superficial OMG its Christmas, "Santa's gonna make you mine this Christmas"..."All I want for Christmas is you."
I guess I mean its not feeling like a Mariah Christmas right now and I am about an hour and twenty minutes away, probably will be closer when I finish.
Just been a different feeling in the air since September. Don't know why. I pretty much accomplished the goals of 2012 at least for my education. Finished my Praxis Tests and passed, Finished all my required courses, finished the Autism Certification class, 2013 with be all about student teaching graduation and 1st teaching positions. (SAY WHAT!) All of which is VERY exciting.
Technically there is someone in my life, nothing official, but our next "date" has alot to do with Power Rangers and Lando of Star Wars. VERY exciting stuff once again in 2013.
Don't know why I am so bummed out...I mean I got my mom what she has been asking for...which could go good or bad considering she asked me NOT to get for fear of the cost. Oh well. I have been getting what I want all year, like my wedge sneaker collection, that although I have worn them around town, they are going to be so perfect for my power ranger date (LMAO)! All I need now is that damn COMMUNICATOR...Soon...SOON!
I could be bummed out from just being old. I am 28 going on 29 and although I still get mistaken for 16-18...my body knows the difference. Maybe my nerves about student teaching are getting me all bummed out. I really haven't been able to think about anything else. I worry about alot that revolves around student teaching, but at the end of the day I know I must pray about it and give it to God, I know I am worried for no reason because really he has already made a way for me. I am with an awesome teacher, my clinical supervisor is awesome for my practicum, and I know I will be working with a great group of students. Now if only I could make myself a great student teacher/better person in general.
I don't know... maybe I need to watch a bunch of Christmas themed movies, we watched Christmas Cupid (Ex-mas) today which we had watched before, other than that I have been watching super sentai. SMH....
And maybe the memories of this past weekend are dancing around in my noggin, hmmmm how about all of the above....
I tell you what I REFUSE to say Bah Humbug!!!! SO MERRY CHRISTMAS! Life is up and down, I am somewhere between at the moment... actually I have been up for the most part since 2010 :) God is Good! I guess that is the overall message to be remembered during this holiday season!
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Guided Practice...with God's favor!
Yes, guided practice...its some teach jargon....and I am using it because next semester I embark on my time as a "student teacher" or as they like to say now: "Student Intern." AND I MUST SAY:
Why do I say that? Because He never fails to amaze me of his good works. Put it to you like this, it's not good luck that I have had throughout my journey through grad school; I have had favor. Every piece of the puzzle has been has been put down starting with the edges and filling in as time goes on. Everything from day one. I started with subbing and I made connections immediately within Capital School District, I was given simple advice about starting the master's program at Wilmington University. I took that advice and applied for the program and everything went through (because usually people have sooo much trouble when trying to go to college). I started taking classes and I have maintained a 3.7 GPA throughout. After subbing I applied for a summer school position, and GOT IT! Not only did I get experience in waking up everyday to get to work, but I also took care of some personal demons. (I understand other adults better and why they are all miserable). Summer school was great, I applied for a school year position and GOT IT! My first Full-time with benefits position. And everyday of it was a little bit of Heaven and a lot of bit of Hell. This was just more experience in dealing with people who are miserable and due to that fact mistreat ALL (students and co-workers). For me waking up every morning and so not wanting to be around this person was just another learning experience. It was a wall that I had to climb to get to my next destination. God will give you opportunity, but he will also give you a situation, in which you can do one of two things, forget about His love and mercy and have hatred or remember Him and that no weapon form against you shall prosper. I chose to remember Him and I got through it. All the while going to class and having the right people in my corner such as professors, principals, teachers, and my family. And the love from my students. OMG how I absolutely adore each student I worked with and those who were in other classrooms. I love to hear students say my name. Miss Danielle. Its so cute. And some say it wrong and some say it right but being that I work with students with disabilities hearing them say anything at all is good, seeing a non verbal student respond to my picture is what makes dealing with the miserable people worth it. Moving on I obtained another position during summer school. After summer school something happened that would have made any person, upset, or worried. I didn't get a call back for a position during the school year. I wasn't worried and I wasn't upset, I knew that God had my back because I knew he was carrying me through this journey. I applied for several positions. Including my beloved KCCS. But I didn't get a call for an interview. It was looking like I wasn't going to get a call for an interview. I did however recieved a call from a different school for a different position. The day that I was getting ready from the interview I was standing in the bathroom attempting to do my hair and as I looked at myself I was talking in my head saying: "I really don't want to go to this interview, I really don't want this position." And as usually God, hearing my thoughts knowing my heart sent an answer. I was probably an hour and thirty minutes away from the interview, when I got a phone call from my current employer offering me a position for the school year. Sure it was part-time, but it only made since considering he knew that I would be going into student teaching. I accepted the offer. That was one of those, "He may not come when you call Him, but He's always on time." And the atmosphere that I am in right now is great. I don't know if I am naive or if I am literally good natured, but I love my job, I love my co-workers, and I love the principals. Maybe I haven't been around long enough or been in proximity long enough to have the same ill feelings for others as others have towards each other, but as of now I genuinely like everyone. It doesn't stop there though. I tend to have anxiety about my future endeavours. I get nervous. Being a teacher and having responsiblities dealing with children is tough and scary. So as it came to be; student teaching, I was very slow in the process. I mean its like who will be my mentor teacher? Who will be my internship supervisor? Who are the kids? ETC. and God once again made a way for me. First off, my internship supervior is a lady who my practicum observer, and she was so nice. The second part still needs to be set as official but the teacher and classroom that I may be getting...should be awesome.
And all of this is why I feel that I have had favor through out my education and work related experience. God is Good! And after all of this will come graduation and certification and life really doesn't end there and neither does the favor that God has over my life. I am sure more good things are instore for me through God's faithfulness to me and my faithfulness to him. Through EVERYTHING I have been in love! I have been in love with myself, my students, my employer, my co-workers (most of them) and my experience. So maybe after all of this I will also be in love with a significant other.
Stay tuned to find out :)
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Thoughts on singlehood...being numb
Is my life so complicated that I don't know what to blog or is my life so not really complicated that I don't have anything to blog about....
Or is that I know what I want to blog but my words just aren't together yet?
Trying to protect the innocent...
Really the topic should be...Weddings, Weddings everywhere...or Bridesmaid, not even...or Forever Alone....
Not sure....but at some point a few of come to this realization...I am old, I am single, I am cold, this is a dark dark world...and what we usually do is retreat further into of "bat" caves...or we divuluge into our work/school.
I literally work everyday unless there are holidays or breaks in the semester. (perks of working in public and higher education). I also go to class in the evening after work. When would I have time to add a boyfriend really. Not that I wouldn't want to but seriously.
Really this isn't what's on my mind... I am thinking of a friend...singleness is troubling for them. I guess I have become complacent and just don't give a damn that love and lost are irrelevant. I am so caught up in the particulars in order to be with me that I refuse to settle....(just haven't given up hope that there is someONE for me)
It doesn't help that this friend was close to love and lost it all in what seemed to be the same breath.
My opinion is that alot of us, twenty somethings, want to see the world ASAP, we wanted to be ADULTS, YES! We wanted to be on our own and we wanted to make it happen on our own! YES! And we did it for a good 2 years before that became totally F***ing lonely.
Or is that I know what I want to blog but my words just aren't together yet?
Trying to protect the innocent...
Really the topic should be...Weddings, Weddings everywhere...or Bridesmaid, not even...or Forever Alone....
Not sure....but at some point a few of come to this realization...I am old, I am single, I am cold, this is a dark dark world...and what we usually do is retreat further into of "bat" caves...or we divuluge into our work/school.
I literally work everyday unless there are holidays or breaks in the semester. (perks of working in public and higher education). I also go to class in the evening after work. When would I have time to add a boyfriend really. Not that I wouldn't want to but seriously.
Really this isn't what's on my mind... I am thinking of a friend...singleness is troubling for them. I guess I have become complacent and just don't give a damn that love and lost are irrelevant. I am so caught up in the particulars in order to be with me that I refuse to settle....(just haven't given up hope that there is someONE for me)
It doesn't help that this friend was close to love and lost it all in what seemed to be the same breath.
My opinion is that alot of us, twenty somethings, want to see the world ASAP, we wanted to be ADULTS, YES! We wanted to be on our own and we wanted to make it happen on our own! YES! And we did it for a good 2 years before that became totally F***ing lonely.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Heartbreak Hotel: Thoughts on a random text...
I got a text from someone unexpectedly the other day. You know hey, how are you type.... I didn't see it until an hour after it was sent (ringer is usually off after work and I forget to turn it back on) and when I did I didn't respond and the day slipped away and still haven't responded. I am not trying to be mean. I'm not even trying to be ignorant. I sorta became numb to it.
Later while walking the dog, you know when I have major epiphanies and what not, I was thinking: you know what, that's the only ONE who broke my heart. Interestingly enough.
One was merely fun and games or at least that is how I see it now. I am not sure my heart was in it. I think my brain was, unfortunately it wasn't looking at the big picture. But this "relationship" helped me to see I needed to grow up a little... It helped me to know that I can not rely on a man to take of me. Breaker of heart he was not...more like a wake up call, that I needed...
The rebound...simple as that...well I was a rebound too...smh....no heartbreak here; I thought it was but soon realized it was just another silly little fling.
The starter...you would think he would be the heart breaker being the first love but that's not how it went down. It was more like a tale of unfortunate events leading up to the conclusion. Like a starter you never want it to end even as it becomes toxic to the both of you. You hope that the night you had that one time is the same night you have every night. You know the night, when the air was just right and you're in his arms and he brushes your hair back and kisses your forehead. You know the morning you both laugh at something and are in hysterics with each other. Silly jokes you have to this day...several years later you know you can text one word and the response will be LMAO. And still he is not the heart breaker.
No the heart breaker is that random guy you haven't seen in forever who you just happen to message and boom goes the dynamite...a cluster of f*ckery occurs. A whirlwind of up and down...phone calls of drunken hysterics, my form of tough love with words, tears on both sides, I want to but I can'ts, I can't because, we can't because, my job, your job, where you live, where I live, time schedule, money, blah blah blah....my female mentality said that all those things didn't matter we could work through it and his insecure male mentality said no we can't...on to the next one.... and it was simple just like I said it would be simple...just like I said, we probably won't be talking anymore, not every night like we use too, not at all... and its true schedule really played a huge part in it, but the reality is he played the bigger role. and I watched as November became December and then January, than February than March 17th, April, May, Junio, Julio, Agosto, Septiembre, Octubre and then it was November again...(October actually holds more significance but November was the last time I saw this person in person or so I remember) and a year had gone by(although there is that book I wrote that is a few thousand words sort of a novel based on the true fiction that didn't help) and I struggled through ALL of Prince Royce (and Michael Jackson) and then more months passed before a random text happens to appear on my phone.... and he gets the Heart Breaker status because of the tumultuous time that occurred and the way I felt when it was all said and done...which was just like the joke where someone is standing in front of a crowd and says: F*** You, F*** You and F*** you....
Then I get this text and its not like all these feeling come rushing back or that there's anger or anything...but there was a little resentment I think... so no I didn't respond until now:
"yeah I'm good, and my mom is good, hope you are well...and I think I will forever be connected to the Power Rangers, take care."
FORTUNATELY heartbreak doesn't mean its the end all.... and I have learn recently that what might have crossed your mind may have crossed another person's mind and once someone gets the nerve to say it there can be a connection... and he could be the Happy Ending and I quote:
Later while walking the dog, you know when I have major epiphanies and what not, I was thinking: you know what, that's the only ONE who broke my heart. Interestingly enough.
One was merely fun and games or at least that is how I see it now. I am not sure my heart was in it. I think my brain was, unfortunately it wasn't looking at the big picture. But this "relationship" helped me to see I needed to grow up a little... It helped me to know that I can not rely on a man to take of me. Breaker of heart he was not...more like a wake up call, that I needed...
The rebound...simple as that...well I was a rebound too...smh....no heartbreak here; I thought it was but soon realized it was just another silly little fling.
The starter...you would think he would be the heart breaker being the first love but that's not how it went down. It was more like a tale of unfortunate events leading up to the conclusion. Like a starter you never want it to end even as it becomes toxic to the both of you. You hope that the night you had that one time is the same night you have every night. You know the night, when the air was just right and you're in his arms and he brushes your hair back and kisses your forehead. You know the morning you both laugh at something and are in hysterics with each other. Silly jokes you have to this day...several years later you know you can text one word and the response will be LMAO. And still he is not the heart breaker.
No the heart breaker is that random guy you haven't seen in forever who you just happen to message and boom goes the dynamite...a cluster of f*ckery occurs. A whirlwind of up and down...phone calls of drunken hysterics, my form of tough love with words, tears on both sides, I want to but I can'ts, I can't because, we can't because, my job, your job, where you live, where I live, time schedule, money, blah blah blah....my female mentality said that all those things didn't matter we could work through it and his insecure male mentality said no we can't...on to the next one.... and it was simple just like I said it would be simple...just like I said, we probably won't be talking anymore, not every night like we use too, not at all... and its true schedule really played a huge part in it, but the reality is he played the bigger role. and I watched as November became December and then January, than February than March 17th, April, May, Junio, Julio, Agosto, Septiembre, Octubre and then it was November again...(October actually holds more significance but November was the last time I saw this person in person or so I remember) and a year had gone by(although there is that book I wrote that is a few thousand words sort of a novel based on the true fiction that didn't help) and I struggled through ALL of Prince Royce (and Michael Jackson) and then more months passed before a random text happens to appear on my phone.... and he gets the Heart Breaker status because of the tumultuous time that occurred and the way I felt when it was all said and done...which was just like the joke where someone is standing in front of a crowd and says: F*** You, F*** You and F*** you....
Then I get this text and its not like all these feeling come rushing back or that there's anger or anything...but there was a little resentment I think... so no I didn't respond until now:
"yeah I'm good, and my mom is good, hope you are well...and I think I will forever be connected to the Power Rangers, take care."
FORTUNATELY heartbreak doesn't mean its the end all.... and I have learn recently that what might have crossed your mind may have crossed another person's mind and once someone gets the nerve to say it there can be a connection... and he could be the Happy Ending and I quote:
"It's staying the last and remaining the last."
And the process begins again but hopefully he can stay true to his quote....
Friday, October 5, 2012
Fear's Logic...don't let it hold you back...
I took my flute to the repair shop for new pads and whatever else it needed. Its going to cost me like $100 dollars oh well. Its to participate in Alumni Band for DHS (Dover High School). My mom says to me, I am not trying to be funny or nothing but you should hold the banner. Ok so I suck at my instrument. I always did. Why? Well aside from not being naturally good or talented, Fear.
Fear can run/ruin your life. It ruined my flute career. The thing is in order to be good at something like an instrument you have to play and practice. 5th grade when I started playing I practiced here and there, but soon practicing ended for me. Why? Fear Logic.
Fear Logic is reasoning that is irrational and keeps you from doing something because of this logic. So called Logic from fear. I just made that up by the way. There are these "girl logic" internet memes where it shows the irrational thinking females can have sometimes and the reality is some of it is true. That is where my "fear logic" comes from.
So my logic from fear said that me playing the flute sounded horrible, so to keep family from hearing it, thinking I was horrible I just didn't practice. I would practice my flute whenever my mom or dad wasn't home. (I can play in front of my brother tho... weird) But when they got home I would put the flute aside. Now how much time do you think my parents spent away from home, leaving me home alone? Better yet how many times do you think I was home alone and not with my mom? Exactly, so I practiced what... 5 times a year...smh. BUT I was playing WAY more in school at that time...until High School. SMH...at my high school flute career. It was sad. Why? I was in Band Front for 3 of the 4 years I was in High school, I marched with the flag for the most part until concert season, and then again at graduation. I was always in concert band (which to those who don't know it is kind of like remedial for band, ok that is ignorant, ok it is like college prep and symphonic is like honors or AP band) The music we played in Concert wasn't hard in other words. I was very proud to be in concert band though. Very proud even as 2nd to last seat. But I digress, I was 2nd to last because I didn't practice (and that really huge fear of auditioning even in front of Mr. Rinker the band director who I truely loved like a father from 7th-12th grade and to this day. ) It didn't matter. I could not make sound come out in front of him. It was like my anxiety went through the roof probably because like any daughter I wanted him to be proud of me. But there was something I always knew and that was I was no Jesse S. (she was like first seat Symphonic). One year I did practice hard, I wanted to be in symphonic, bad, even if I was last seat, but I got fourth seat concert. Seriously I saw that practice could pay off, and I tried hard the next time but fell further down so whatever. The sound that comes out of my flute is like the squawking that is a seagull.
But this blog is not to glamorize the fact that I suck at the flute, it is to show that fear gets you NO WHERE. I watched others work their way up to symphonic. It could be because they were good, it could be that auditions where a bunch of bull...either way I know a couple of people who worked VERY hard to get symphonic band, I mean they were practicing all the time. They took fear and nipped in the bud with practice to overcome and I allowed it [fear] to overcome me. I was always playing the second flute part and never first flute. I let that be enough for me. (Flags well that is a different story I can out do a- many at flags, I was very confident in band fronts, I remember auditioning not being nervous at all and I remember watching auditions as a captain helping to choose a co-captain)
I guess many of my blogs have been about fear because I have learned in my old age that fear can no longer keep me from doing things and living my life and making decisions. Fear logic kept me mediocre in band, when I wanted to be better than that. Fear keeps me in Dover, fear keeps me from relationships, fear kept me from driving for about 10 years, fear keeps me from acting, fears keeps me from posting a video of me singing (fear kept me from auditioning for chorus) Fear can't keep doing this to me...fear was about to keep me from writing this post. I was about to be like I am not blogging anything, but I watched Eyeshine
I am sure I have had to of mention them before but if not click the link visit their page. They are apart of that bucket list of mine, because the lead singer was a ranger. And for all you anime fans he was Ichigo in Bleach and Vash on another anime; his anime and game voice actor list is EXTENDED. Anyway his band sends a POWERFUL message. Never give up. Many of their songs follow this mantra. So I watched the video (you can watch 0-10 on their youtube chanel) immediately after I came up with the definition of Fear Logic but decided not to discuss this idea. Afterwards I was like no I need to blog about fear for the umpteenth time and you know maybe no one is reading. Oh well getting over fear is something that I have to get over ever day. There is a constant battle between my rational logic and my fear logic. Rational logic says: "Dani you can do it, you can be a teacher and you can be a good one"; Fear Logic says: "You should probably take a year off and figure it out." (what is there to figure?)
According to my definition, Fear Logic would cause this band to quit. They refuse, and it is inspiring. To see everything they have been through, band members come and go, constant rejection, and many road blocks, they push on. Their audience, usually the kids who are cosplaying anime fans, comic con goers, or Power Ranger Morphiconics (me), the kids who many call weird, strange, nerds and geeks; the kid with Aspergers, the kid with cerebral palsy, the quiet kid, the kid that society has deemed different, the group of kids (and adults) who are just like me, not living because of fear getting them no where; being that their music sends messages heard in songs such as "Cry Call Shout", "Never Gonna Fake it" and "Let's Play Our Way" I am 100% sure that someone of the "different class" has decided to try again, try harder, keep going, and more importantly, acceptance of self and staying true to that self.
And if you find that you really aren't into their music listen to Johnny Yong Bosch (the lead singer) and his story of not giving up and getting out of a depression. His story of "I have nothing to lose". His story that tells me that fear can't hold you back...even when others don't believe, you have to believe in yourself.
Maybe I am not supposed to be good at the flute, because if I was good this wouldn't be a lesson learned to share, but there are other things in my life that need me to practice the skills learned from the lesson...fear can't keep me being the "black quiet different weird geek nerd girl" I am going to be the best "black quiet different weird geek nerd girl" that I can be!!!!
PS: I love Eyeshine!!!! They are an independent band, they have NO label, they practice and record in garage like so- called regular people. Johnny, Maurice, and Polo put there heart and soul into it and I love them for it!
Check them out!!!
Fear can run/ruin your life. It ruined my flute career. The thing is in order to be good at something like an instrument you have to play and practice. 5th grade when I started playing I practiced here and there, but soon practicing ended for me. Why? Fear Logic.
Fear Logic is reasoning that is irrational and keeps you from doing something because of this logic. So called Logic from fear. I just made that up by the way. There are these "girl logic" internet memes where it shows the irrational thinking females can have sometimes and the reality is some of it is true. That is where my "fear logic" comes from.
So my logic from fear said that me playing the flute sounded horrible, so to keep family from hearing it, thinking I was horrible I just didn't practice. I would practice my flute whenever my mom or dad wasn't home. (I can play in front of my brother tho... weird) But when they got home I would put the flute aside. Now how much time do you think my parents spent away from home, leaving me home alone? Better yet how many times do you think I was home alone and not with my mom? Exactly, so I practiced what... 5 times a year...smh. BUT I was playing WAY more in school at that time...until High School. SMH...at my high school flute career. It was sad. Why? I was in Band Front for 3 of the 4 years I was in High school, I marched with the flag for the most part until concert season, and then again at graduation. I was always in concert band (which to those who don't know it is kind of like remedial for band, ok that is ignorant, ok it is like college prep and symphonic is like honors or AP band) The music we played in Concert wasn't hard in other words. I was very proud to be in concert band though. Very proud even as 2nd to last seat. But I digress, I was 2nd to last because I didn't practice (and that really huge fear of auditioning even in front of Mr. Rinker the band director who I truely loved like a father from 7th-12th grade and to this day. ) It didn't matter. I could not make sound come out in front of him. It was like my anxiety went through the roof probably because like any daughter I wanted him to be proud of me. But there was something I always knew and that was I was no Jesse S. (she was like first seat Symphonic). One year I did practice hard, I wanted to be in symphonic, bad, even if I was last seat, but I got fourth seat concert. Seriously I saw that practice could pay off, and I tried hard the next time but fell further down so whatever. The sound that comes out of my flute is like the squawking that is a seagull.
But this blog is not to glamorize the fact that I suck at the flute, it is to show that fear gets you NO WHERE. I watched others work their way up to symphonic. It could be because they were good, it could be that auditions where a bunch of bull...either way I know a couple of people who worked VERY hard to get symphonic band, I mean they were practicing all the time. They took fear and nipped in the bud with practice to overcome and I allowed it [fear] to overcome me. I was always playing the second flute part and never first flute. I let that be enough for me. (Flags well that is a different story I can out do a- many at flags, I was very confident in band fronts, I remember auditioning not being nervous at all and I remember watching auditions as a captain helping to choose a co-captain)
I guess many of my blogs have been about fear because I have learned in my old age that fear can no longer keep me from doing things and living my life and making decisions. Fear logic kept me mediocre in band, when I wanted to be better than that. Fear keeps me in Dover, fear keeps me from relationships, fear kept me from driving for about 10 years, fear keeps me from acting, fears keeps me from posting a video of me singing (fear kept me from auditioning for chorus) Fear can't keep doing this to me...fear was about to keep me from writing this post. I was about to be like I am not blogging anything, but I watched Eyeshine
I am sure I have had to of mention them before but if not click the link visit their page. They are apart of that bucket list of mine, because the lead singer was a ranger. And for all you anime fans he was Ichigo in Bleach and Vash on another anime; his anime and game voice actor list is EXTENDED. Anyway his band sends a POWERFUL message. Never give up. Many of their songs follow this mantra. So I watched the video (you can watch 0-10 on their youtube chanel) immediately after I came up with the definition of Fear Logic but decided not to discuss this idea. Afterwards I was like no I need to blog about fear for the umpteenth time and you know maybe no one is reading. Oh well getting over fear is something that I have to get over ever day. There is a constant battle between my rational logic and my fear logic. Rational logic says: "Dani you can do it, you can be a teacher and you can be a good one"; Fear Logic says: "You should probably take a year off and figure it out." (what is there to figure?)
According to my definition, Fear Logic would cause this band to quit. They refuse, and it is inspiring. To see everything they have been through, band members come and go, constant rejection, and many road blocks, they push on. Their audience, usually the kids who are cosplaying anime fans, comic con goers, or Power Ranger Morphiconics (me), the kids who many call weird, strange, nerds and geeks; the kid with Aspergers, the kid with cerebral palsy, the quiet kid, the kid that society has deemed different, the group of kids (and adults) who are just like me, not living because of fear getting them no where; being that their music sends messages heard in songs such as "Cry Call Shout", "Never Gonna Fake it" and "Let's Play Our Way" I am 100% sure that someone of the "different class" has decided to try again, try harder, keep going, and more importantly, acceptance of self and staying true to that self.
Maybe I am not supposed to be good at the flute, because if I was good this wouldn't be a lesson learned to share, but there are other things in my life that need me to practice the skills learned from the lesson...fear can't keep me being the "black quiet different weird geek nerd girl" I am going to be the best "black quiet different weird geek nerd girl" that I can be!!!!
PS: I love Eyeshine!!!! They are an independent band, they have NO label, they practice and record in garage like so- called regular people. Johnny, Maurice, and Polo put there heart and soul into it and I love them for it!
Check them out!!!
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Standing back up on the water...
Sometimes we focus too much on one thing that we miss something else.
Sometimes I focus too much on one thing and miss something else. I stress over one minor point and forget to look at the Big Picture.
I am not quite sure why such things occur aside from an adversary keeping off my path leading me away from a promise from God.
Fortunately a friend said something to me:
And I mean what he was saying wasn't even like difficult and its basically just what I have told him I need to do with my present future (if the present can be the future), but the reason I was so caught up and unable to see/comprehend what my friend said, what I said, the big picture, is because I had replaced it with fear, with little minor and or major details that keep me off of the path, example the 2013 school year, I don't need to worry about a future job (yet), I need to worry about getting the student teaching application done. I need to worry about whatever requirements with school that I need to fulfill prior to graduating to get the job.
So my goal/plan was too get student teaching finished, graduate and try for a summer school spot with my current employer....somehow that got twisted...and I was all over the place. After my friend said what he said and some other things between us ;-) I was kind of like...poker face...no emotion, well I had emotion pouring down my face, because I was going into the whole "woe is me...I am the worst, why did I even start this career path, I can never, I won't (get out of my mom's house), I'm no good, No one will ever...etc etc etc and I refused to say any of that to him, because that is like beating a dead dog, like first of all I'm not, secondly I didn't need him to be all like no you are the best Blah Blah, because I learned from past mistakes and its dumb and he already said I was great and damn it I know I am great. (I wouldn't have gotten this far if I wasn't kind of good at being me), but when I take my eyes off the prize I lose it. Sort of like when Jesus, was walking on water, and one of the disciples, Peter stepped out and took a walk on the water too, but when he saw wind (trouble) he got scared(fear), lost sight of Jesus and fell in the water. He took his eyes off Jesus.
So how does that relate to my situation...well I know that the path that I am on is the right path because as I started on this journey, substituting, going back for my Master's, and applying for Para Positions, everything fell into place and things felt right for once. Life felt good, because I could see that it was the path that God had for me and that His promise to me would be fulfilled. (BTW His promise to me is the same promise to you, He just worded it differently when I heard it from Him, but if you need to know what that promise is then please see :Psalm 37:4-5) It is only now with it all coming to the rising climax of my narrative of life that fear my number one enemy is at my door again, just like in undergrad when it was time for graduation and I lost it (as in my marbles, I struggle with the so called being an adult in the real world) and just like Peter took his eyes off of Jesus, he fall in the water...and apparently couldn't swim and panicked forgetting Jesus was right there (panic is another lesson).
Even though my mind was still wrapped around student teaching, the fear of stuff even futher than that in the future was throwing me off and I was falling in the water and sinking (I can't swim)...luckily my friend said what he said. Crazy thing is I didn't get it until this morning. And when I say I didn't get it I mean like I didn't hear it the way I am telling it now until this morning. The way my friend said it and because I know the context under which we were talking, ( I also know what he said before and after) it is implied that you can't get to the next step without the first step. Really how he said it is in steps go look at it again, he just didn't use transitions like first, then, next.... And that is when it reminded me of the way God works, I can't get to the next step without completing the first step and if I don't get through any steps or if all goes wrong because I stopped following the path set before me by Him (God) then I can't get to the Glory that He has for me. And when I re-read it this morning I got it. My friend didn't say all that, but it was literally like the lightbulb came on, seriously like my room seem to get a little bit brighter and I felt relief. I felt like I was happy to be on my way to my future again. I am getting closer and closer and I can almost taste it at this point. What is it? Funny you should ask, because I don't know exactly I mean I know my wants but its not about what I want it is about the will of the Lord (another lesson for another time), He knows my wants but what is better is He knows my needs and will provide and what He provides because it is divine and rightfully from Him will surpass what I was wanting, and the bible says:
Philippians 4:19
And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.
and my favorite one says:
Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

But something that is even better to know comes from this scripture:
Isaiah 41:13
"For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you."
No fears....just keep walking on the water to Jesus....
PS: Sometimes He puts people in your life to remind you of Him (and they don't even know it)
Sometimes I focus too much on one thing and miss something else. I stress over one minor point and forget to look at the Big Picture.
I am not quite sure why such things occur aside from an adversary keeping off my path leading me away from a promise from God.
Fortunately a friend said something to me:
"You need to get through your student teaching and get ready to move on. Find a job or even move out of Delaware. Start your own life, Danielle."Now at the time honestly all the words above looked like:
"akr kark hg edr twsimcs fgls wldofen aidneidn xsz awd vnfsj lk. aedw d ikl eq wdfv fdgh kjh lk wdtrqykp. edghk pomj wqa nvxm Danielle."

So my goal/plan was too get student teaching finished, graduate and try for a summer school spot with my current employer....somehow that got twisted...and I was all over the place. After my friend said what he said and some other things between us ;-) I was kind of like...poker face...no emotion, well I had emotion pouring down my face, because I was going into the whole "woe is me...I am the worst, why did I even start this career path, I can never, I won't (get out of my mom's house), I'm no good, No one will ever...etc etc etc and I refused to say any of that to him, because that is like beating a dead dog, like first of all I'm not, secondly I didn't need him to be all like no you are the best Blah Blah, because I learned from past mistakes and its dumb and he already said I was great and damn it I know I am great. (I wouldn't have gotten this far if I wasn't kind of good at being me), but when I take my eyes off the prize I lose it. Sort of like when Jesus, was walking on water, and one of the disciples, Peter stepped out and took a walk on the water too, but when he saw wind (trouble) he got scared(fear), lost sight of Jesus and fell in the water. He took his eyes off Jesus.
So how does that relate to my situation...well I know that the path that I am on is the right path because as I started on this journey, substituting, going back for my Master's, and applying for Para Positions, everything fell into place and things felt right for once. Life felt good, because I could see that it was the path that God had for me and that His promise to me would be fulfilled. (BTW His promise to me is the same promise to you, He just worded it differently when I heard it from Him, but if you need to know what that promise is then please see :Psalm 37:4-5) It is only now with it all coming to the rising climax of my narrative of life that fear my number one enemy is at my door again, just like in undergrad when it was time for graduation and I lost it (as in my marbles, I struggle with the so called being an adult in the real world) and just like Peter took his eyes off of Jesus, he fall in the water...and apparently couldn't swim and panicked forgetting Jesus was right there (panic is another lesson).
Even though my mind was still wrapped around student teaching, the fear of stuff even futher than that in the future was throwing me off and I was falling in the water and sinking (I can't swim)...luckily my friend said what he said. Crazy thing is I didn't get it until this morning. And when I say I didn't get it I mean like I didn't hear it the way I am telling it now until this morning. The way my friend said it and because I know the context under which we were talking, ( I also know what he said before and after) it is implied that you can't get to the next step without the first step. Really how he said it is in steps go look at it again, he just didn't use transitions like first, then, next.... And that is when it reminded me of the way God works, I can't get to the next step without completing the first step and if I don't get through any steps or if all goes wrong because I stopped following the path set before me by Him (God) then I can't get to the Glory that He has for me. And when I re-read it this morning I got it. My friend didn't say all that, but it was literally like the lightbulb came on, seriously like my room seem to get a little bit brighter and I felt relief. I felt like I was happy to be on my way to my future again. I am getting closer and closer and I can almost taste it at this point. What is it? Funny you should ask, because I don't know exactly I mean I know my wants but its not about what I want it is about the will of the Lord (another lesson for another time), He knows my wants but what is better is He knows my needs and will provide and what He provides because it is divine and rightfully from Him will surpass what I was wanting, and the bible says:
Philippians 4:19
And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.
and my favorite one says:
Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

But something that is even better to know comes from this scripture:
Isaiah 41:13
"For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you."
No fears....just keep walking on the water to Jesus....
PS: Sometimes He puts people in your life to remind you of Him (and they don't even know it)
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Change vs. Mold: oh and make me a samich....
Maybe I am just as foolish as the other women of this world but I was thinking to myself something about men and thought of this topic...Change vs. Mold.
Change: "Maybe if I stay with him I will change him" or "He will change eventually."
No he won't. A man is who he is in the beginning and in the end. You can't change him. Or so I have been told. And he won't change eventually so I have witness with my own eyes. If you met him at a bar and he took you on dates at a bar and he goes with his boys to the bar, and when you two have moved in together or ya'll got married the bar will not end, just cause he is so called: "settled-down." If he is quiet one the first date, he'll be quiet when yall divorce due to communication differences. That's just the way it is and it seems like the more you try the more he will resist.
And that is when I thought of the word Mold and maybe this is a long shot and I am just as dumb as the rest of the females out there, but I was thinking a man can be molded into something more of what you want.
Of course when I was thinking of the word mold the example I was thinking about was the idea of being with someone who is not very fit. There are ways to push the idea of fitness without saying "Hey fatty, get of the couch and exercise" or worse, "Have you seen Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson lately, you could bounce a Quarter of his butt damn, oh but I love you fluffy bootie babe." Now if you stress health this could be seen as trying to change...what I would do is put on those sexy yoga pants and cami, and greet him like oh I was going to go for a walk you wanna come with? You in a sexy outfit not gonna work, next level, before he can say "I don't think so" you say "and maybe afterwards we can (whisper the freaky stuff in ear)" if that doesn't work then go for walk or jog comeback when reminded of that freaky stuff (it lingers) then say, "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" If you are fit maybe if he sees you are fit he will get the drift if not then forget about and mold has now become change.
The way he dresses...buy him a couple outfits you want to see him in, before he know it the gross tee shirts will be replaced with what you like. (if he notices though, forget about mold just became change and he will rebel)
Ok so overall my theory is a fail and I have been talking like an idiot for the past 10 minutes. I do think men in some ways can be molded, but the idea here is don't date/marry someone who doesn't add up. If you are a health nut and care about your body don't date Fatty Mcfatson. If he is a womanizer when you start dating him he will continue to be a womanizer. If you want a man to look a certain way then date the one dress the way you like.
You know what the issue is right?
Change: "Maybe if I stay with him I will change him" or "He will change eventually."
No he won't. A man is who he is in the beginning and in the end. You can't change him. Or so I have been told. And he won't change eventually so I have witness with my own eyes. If you met him at a bar and he took you on dates at a bar and he goes with his boys to the bar, and when you two have moved in together or ya'll got married the bar will not end, just cause he is so called: "settled-down." If he is quiet one the first date, he'll be quiet when yall divorce due to communication differences. That's just the way it is and it seems like the more you try the more he will resist.
And that is when I thought of the word Mold and maybe this is a long shot and I am just as dumb as the rest of the females out there, but I was thinking a man can be molded into something more of what you want.
Of course when I was thinking of the word mold the example I was thinking about was the idea of being with someone who is not very fit. There are ways to push the idea of fitness without saying "Hey fatty, get of the couch and exercise" or worse, "Have you seen Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson lately, you could bounce a Quarter of his butt damn, oh but I love you fluffy bootie babe." Now if you stress health this could be seen as trying to change...what I would do is put on those sexy yoga pants and cami, and greet him like oh I was going to go for a walk you wanna come with? You in a sexy outfit not gonna work, next level, before he can say "I don't think so" you say "and maybe afterwards we can (whisper the freaky stuff in ear)" if that doesn't work then go for walk or jog comeback when reminded of that freaky stuff (it lingers) then say, "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" If you are fit maybe if he sees you are fit he will get the drift if not then forget about and mold has now become change.
The way he dresses...buy him a couple outfits you want to see him in, before he know it the gross tee shirts will be replaced with what you like. (if he notices though, forget about mold just became change and he will rebel)
Ok so overall my theory is a fail and I have been talking like an idiot for the past 10 minutes. I do think men in some ways can be molded, but the idea here is don't date/marry someone who doesn't add up. If you are a health nut and care about your body don't date Fatty Mcfatson. If he is a womanizer when you start dating him he will continue to be a womanizer. If you want a man to look a certain way then date the one dress the way you like.
You know what the issue is right?
The guy who in your mind is your ideal mate looks like:
And the guy who you get looks like:
Or: SMH....LOL....
But worst is they all treat you like:
Ok not all just most....
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Confidence...It's the Lord....
A Sunday or two ago, as many of us prayed random prayers during worship, I was asking God to help me with to be confident to do what He says do. But I am not sure if this was the correct thing to say. I feel like I am missing an aspect somewhere; I feel like this prayer should be said differently.
The pastor talked about having faith in God. If you place your faith is something or someone other than God, things will not go accordingly. You really have to check yourself with this sort of thing, for example: Your doctor. Sure he went to school for forever and has all those letters behind his name in which gives him the credibility to tell you that cancer diagnoses or that you are healthy, but he is a man and he is not perfect, so when he leave a tool in you after surgery...my point is you can't have faith in the man but you can have faith in the Lord who will direct the man to help you in your situation according to His, the Lord's will.
So I feel like my Confidence prayer is a faith prayer, but I feel like I have faith in the Lord, but not in myself, but this creates fear which pulls me away from being able to do the things need to get to the next level....And if I have faith in Him then I shouldn't have any trouble's...
Truth is I just get scared about things just as every one....
I need to have faith in Him...period...because overall what I think I can't handle He gives me the strength to handle and He gets me through. This is a faith question and its not about me its about Him and knowing that where he takes me He will get me through. The confidence in myself is the Faith I have in Him....
The pastor talked about having faith in God. If you place your faith is something or someone other than God, things will not go accordingly. You really have to check yourself with this sort of thing, for example: Your doctor. Sure he went to school for forever and has all those letters behind his name in which gives him the credibility to tell you that cancer diagnoses or that you are healthy, but he is a man and he is not perfect, so when he leave a tool in you after surgery...my point is you can't have faith in the man but you can have faith in the Lord who will direct the man to help you in your situation according to His, the Lord's will.
So I feel like my Confidence prayer is a faith prayer, but I feel like I have faith in the Lord, but not in myself, but this creates fear which pulls me away from being able to do the things need to get to the next level....And if I have faith in Him then I shouldn't have any trouble's...
Truth is I just get scared about things just as every one....
I need to have faith in Him...period...because overall what I think I can't handle He gives me the strength to handle and He gets me through. This is a faith question and its not about me its about Him and knowing that where he takes me He will get me through. The confidence in myself is the Faith I have in Him....
Saturday, September 8, 2012
The Blue Print....
I often speak of my Before 30 Goals, but it has been a while since I have talked about my life goals...so let me tell you my blue print...
Upon finishing this Masters in Spec. Ed. I would like to get a job as a summer school teacher with my beloved KCCS. This will be the a test to see if I can manage such a feat, and yes I am nervous of going to that next step. After that I may apply for a position for the school year or simply substitute for a year. If I were too get the summer school position that would mean for 2 years straight I have worked non-stop at two jobs and for school. Regardless of the fact that I have to teach for 4 years after recieving Teach Grants, I may also need to take time for me, substituting could allow me to take such time and make money. Or I will get a teaching position for the year and just keep going as the song "Working Day and Night" suggests.
If I decide to work for the year, than after that I may decide on the move to NC. Raliegh, Durham, Charlotte...not sure...I just might...if this is the case I may have to visit for a month get aquainted with the area...dunno how I would do such as only rich people are alloted such opportunities unless there is a teaching thing I could do. If I were to opted out of the fulltime job and go for subbing, well then I could spend the year in and out of the Carolinas.
That is MY blueprint for just the short-term I mean it is sort of a long-term but I mean I will be a certified teacher by May 2013, summer school follows, I don't have doubts about being a summer school teacher, I don't really have doubts about being landing a full-time job or being a sub...that time-line starts Janurary 2013-Student Teaching, May 2013-Graduate, June 2013-Summer Schoo, August 2013 Teaching or subbing, May 2014 possible move or not...thats like 2 years right? not very long at least not as fast as my life persist on....
But like I said that is MY blueprint...not God's so remembering he is the author writing my life story as it unfolds, it may not go as smoothely as I see it, but I know that all my needs will be meant, and what I am SUPPOSED to do as as opposed to what I want to do will happen as well...overall I am looking forward too...you never know. Two years is enough time to get married and have a baby and a half...smh.
Regardless I'm game!
PS: while I working on that....I will be working on the B4 30 list as well...i will achieve both/all!
Upon finishing this Masters in Spec. Ed. I would like to get a job as a summer school teacher with my beloved KCCS. This will be the a test to see if I can manage such a feat, and yes I am nervous of going to that next step. After that I may apply for a position for the school year or simply substitute for a year. If I were too get the summer school position that would mean for 2 years straight I have worked non-stop at two jobs and for school. Regardless of the fact that I have to teach for 4 years after recieving Teach Grants, I may also need to take time for me, substituting could allow me to take such time and make money. Or I will get a teaching position for the year and just keep going as the song "Working Day and Night" suggests.
If I decide to work for the year, than after that I may decide on the move to NC. Raliegh, Durham, Charlotte...not sure...I just might...if this is the case I may have to visit for a month get aquainted with the area...dunno how I would do such as only rich people are alloted such opportunities unless there is a teaching thing I could do. If I were to opted out of the fulltime job and go for subbing, well then I could spend the year in and out of the Carolinas.
That is MY blueprint for just the short-term I mean it is sort of a long-term but I mean I will be a certified teacher by May 2013, summer school follows, I don't have doubts about being a summer school teacher, I don't really have doubts about being landing a full-time job or being a sub...that time-line starts Janurary 2013-Student Teaching, May 2013-Graduate, June 2013-Summer Schoo, August 2013 Teaching or subbing, May 2014 possible move or not...thats like 2 years right? not very long at least not as fast as my life persist on....
But like I said that is MY blueprint...not God's so remembering he is the author writing my life story as it unfolds, it may not go as smoothely as I see it, but I know that all my needs will be meant, and what I am SUPPOSED to do as as opposed to what I want to do will happen as well...overall I am looking forward too...you never know. Two years is enough time to get married and have a baby and a half...smh.
Regardless I'm game!
PS: while I working on that....I will be working on the B4 30 list as well...i will achieve both/all!
Saturday, September 1, 2012
120 lbs and the size 3...

and I drink this
A size 3...in juniors for the most part, every now and then I have to either go up or down in sizes, which really pisses me off and sometimes its my body and sometimes its the company's idea of a size three, like skinny i was doing a size 3 until I bought my levi's skinnies...I had to go up because i need my knees to bend. Cheap brands im a 3 usually, when price goes up the size does too at times...and dress pants...the worst...I tried a 3 its too big, I try the 1 its too tight.... What I am is a solid size 2 (ok maybe not solid once again depending on the brand) but this takes me from juniors to misses, but in the average department store size 2 is like looking for a needle a haystack not to be cliche, but I work in a clothing store albeit juniors but I see that the smaller the size the less they have. On the racks they have like two size 2's. By the time I get to it or its on sale (I love a good clearance rack) there are no pants for me. (shirts are getting bad too because my arms are turning fat as is my stomach) I gotta dress like this by March or next August 2013:
Saturday, August 25, 2012
August 25, 2001-August 25, 2012
August 25, 2001
I was laying the wrong way on the chair in the livingroom. I was actually fast asleep, after staying up late probably talking on the phone. My subconscious heard my mom saying, Aaliyah died, but I couldn't get my sleep deprived body awake, and I could get my mind wrapped around the news. It seemed like a joke considering she had an album out, and was making a music video. When I finally did wake up I heard it all over again this time conscious. I was numb. I wasn't the biggest Aaliyah fan, my favorite song had been One in a Million. Aaliyah wasn't what Beyonce is to me or better yet Mariah. But the idea that someone so young at a point in her career that you knew it was about to be her year, could be dead just like that...hurt. As an adult looking back Aaliyah should have been the one that I appreciated the most. She stayed true to who she was throughout. Showing enough skin to be sexy, being female enough to be girlie, but being rough neck enough to tag along with the guys and to be enpowered. She was gorgeous enough to need NO make up and naturally pretty to use just enough to be glamourous. She was so talented, gifted if you will that she barely had to do much to make an impact on stage or on screen. Her death may have been in God's plan, and only he know the why's, but it is a tragedy of Music, Tv, and Film....
Another Fave...
I was laying the wrong way on the chair in the livingroom. I was actually fast asleep, after staying up late probably talking on the phone. My subconscious heard my mom saying, Aaliyah died, but I couldn't get my sleep deprived body awake, and I could get my mind wrapped around the news. It seemed like a joke considering she had an album out, and was making a music video. When I finally did wake up I heard it all over again this time conscious. I was numb. I wasn't the biggest Aaliyah fan, my favorite song had been One in a Million. Aaliyah wasn't what Beyonce is to me or better yet Mariah. But the idea that someone so young at a point in her career that you knew it was about to be her year, could be dead just like that...hurt. As an adult looking back Aaliyah should have been the one that I appreciated the most. She stayed true to who she was throughout. Showing enough skin to be sexy, being female enough to be girlie, but being rough neck enough to tag along with the guys and to be enpowered. She was gorgeous enough to need NO make up and naturally pretty to use just enough to be glamourous. She was so talented, gifted if you will that she barely had to do much to make an impact on stage or on screen. Her death may have been in God's plan, and only he know the why's, but it is a tragedy of Music, Tv, and Film....
Another Fave...
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My favorite scene from Romeo Must Die |
Friday, August 3, 2012
"Tommy!?!?!" Is it really you?"
Look at my eyes...I wasn't breathing...I was holding the green ranger helmet, next to the green ranger. Green Ranger...GREEN RANGER!!! Jason Frank, Jason David Frank, Jason Fearless Frank, JDF...do you hear me? Looks like another goal accomplished although it is not one of those professional goals I usually have, it was certainly on the "before 30 bucket list" and I am still 28, HYFR!!! Why is he that important to me well...Tommy and Kimberly....
Then this happened...
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Pic is from JDF's fan page. |
And I was like Dayum... Really Tommy....and then I was like...
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Pic is from JDF's fan page |
wait he's a born again christian....
So then I said:
"It's morphin time!!!"
And made my way to Otakon 2012, an anime convention, featuring Jason David Frank and made this happen:
So he took my camera, which I actually had no idea what was happening because I clearly had my arms around him...I was melting on the inside...it was surreal...again I am not sure if I was breathing...so then he said ok "let's be serious" and he handed the camera to a protege who took the pic below....
And I am looking at the pics like I don't know who is more beautiful...me or him? LOL!!! Overall we have "GOR-JASE" eyes...yes look again....take another look....you seeing what I'm seeing? I know clearly we could be the best couple ever!! LOL...ok those are delusions of grandeur, but for just a second meeting him was like....
(Video belongs to JDF)
Skydrive...HYFR!!!!!Sunday, July 22, 2012
Seems the more I try to dig myself out the deeper I become or so I feel. I feel like I don't have enough time in the day. So funny you work part-time you have all day to do something but not enough money to do what you want. Full-time and you got the money but no time. But I like no time with a full-time job, I just have to learn how to use time wisely.
I learned in my Applied Behavior Analysis class that when you try to change something's/someone's behavior at first you will see resistance, but you have to keep going.
Life is resisting. Negativity is trying to surround me as I try to remain positive enough to get out of my house. Otherwise I would be like those you see on Hoarders Buried Alive or the people who ate themselves to 700LBS and are unable to get out of the house.
With resisting I have to keep working hard so that eventually what resists realizes life, the one I want will happen. I maybe the "thing" or the "one" resisting simply because sometimes I just feel overwhelmed. But what am I supposed to do? I have to take care of my mom, the household, my brother, I have to go to work make sure everyone there is in order, I have to make sure I am taking care of school and when I get to me, its time to go to bed. right now is not the best for me because clearly I hate myself at the moment. I can't seem to make myself happy. I feel angry but I put on a smile and I hide the inner disdain for this world and myself.
I mean I have a trip planned that involves meeting my most favorite superhero ever! The most epic (based on time as a ranger and as a leader) I am so for sure that I will get to stand next to the man (I will probably touch him and that make me feel faintish) but I feel so miserable about something that almost seems invisible I haven't been able to wrap my mind around it. I have been talking about it almost everyday since I began to talk about the possibilities of going as it gets closer the more I feel drowned in my unfulfilled self that it almost doesn't matter. (Ok for JDF it matters the very idea that I will be meeting him makes me feel 75% better)
And maybe I see others and i feel like they must be doing all the things that they want to be doing, but isn't that the front that facebook makes available to us all.
OK ok Ok ok ....writing all of this doesn't change the fact, it just let's me make a little room to breath. I can pull myself out of this. I did before (or did I) and I'll do it now. Clearly I can do all things in Christ!! All I need to do is snap out of it and get it right. I need to pray my anger away because who am I mad at? Me? You? Them? Stress is the #1 thing I hate, anger causes is stress. I will not let anger and stress make me a bitch on top of being depressed.
One thing I need to do before I go is accept myself for who I am. (very hard to tell just who I am) I don't fit into a category and maybe that is my problem but I need to get over it and handle my unique characteristics that make me...me. I have to be ok with the crazy mess that is Danielle because I can only be me. Anita birthed it and Donald gave his $0.05 so I look like them and sound like them, and occasionally my actions imitate them as well, but who I am the inner being, was created through my unique personal experience, decisions, and mistakes/lessons learned. I have to remember to be ok with that inner being and to keep my head up high and be confident in me. Almost like the saying: "Never let them see you sweat." I don't want to say something and then be countered then respond like I am unsure of myself, that shows a weakness. I don't people to walk away thinking I don't believe in my own believe. I don't want to appear to be on the fence.
Anyway more nightly walk the dog prayers are needed as well as a little pep in my step...I must remember Rome wasn't built in one day (or so the say)....
(Side Note: Instagram makes everything look epic)
Friday, July 13, 2012
It's Daniella the great again....back from Delaware the state again...
LOL...yeah that is a rap I made up back at Howard during my Dipset days. But I am back kind of sorta.... As the random chick in the store said: You don't look good until you get your hair done, you can be completely fixed up, but if your hair ain't done it don't matter." POINT: I got my herr did. I feel like I am BACK.
Not only did I get it did but I knocked one of my End of 20's bucklist goals out. It wasn't featured on the list as seen on this blog but I have been thinking and talking about cutting my hair for a while and I did it!
WooHoo! Here it is:

So not only did I get my haircut I am so excited to say that I will be going to an Anime Convention and will hopefully meet Jason David Frank!!! My Power Ranger hero! This is another End of 20's bucket list.

So let's see:
1.) Hair
2.) AnimeCon
3.) Meeting JDF
4.) YOLOing
Next up I will need to get tatted, talked about it long enough, It probably won't be that big. What stops me is being unsure. I mean its so cool to get a tat then again tatted bodies are so prevalent why not be different and have untouched skin. Clearly JDF is not the one to look to as he is tatted damn near from head to toe. (he better not ever mess up that pretty face) And my EX from years ago always said: Why mess up a perfectly good...well never mind. A butterfly with japanese text of some sort would be awesome, but that is still up in the air. Let see there was also flying and jumping out of an airplane takes lots of money (but I could do it with JDF if I had that money LOL) Singing in front of people was also on the list and what is funny is I was about to post a video of myself singing on YouTube for this contest from Eyeshine (the band I have been listening to), but it just wasn't working out, I was trying to get a professional sound from very unprofessional equipment smh. Getting professional pics done has been on my list of things to do for years, but now I am trying to figure out why? Overall I mean I am four things in so can only go up from there right? In the meantime I never did speak of 2012 accomplishments...I mean in one of my blogs I announced how I passed the Elementary Education Praxis. I also mentioned that I would have news about the Special Education Praxis and I passed it as well!!!!!!!! I have NO idea what other goals where on my 2012 list and it doesn't really matter I believe I am making progress in my life....overall I am having fun.
PS: I still need to take myself to dinner. Crab legs and Moscato!!!!
Monday, July 2, 2012
At some point between yesterday and today I realized I am in a RUT. It's one of those ruts that you don't realize you are in until you are neck deep in clothes and shoes.
I was going to write this blog about my current love life or lack thereof. I think this is the first time in my life that I don't have a crush on anybody. Like no man who I literally know is holding my attention at all. I have never been in such situation. (Had crushes since I was six, my first crush was on a third grader lmao) I have been single since 2/2010, which isn't that long and didn't feel that long considering I filled that year with two flings...College Boy and Mi Amor, which were both complicated situations that were entwined at times. Once I got over the latter, I have been crush free, but I did fill that void with what else? Ridiculousness...first Prince Royce, who helped me deal with after affects of having a latin love.
Oh course he is young and untouchable. He became my latin Marques Houston. Luckily that fell off a little because although I liked his album "Phase II" I didn't like it as much as his first album which means he has lost my attention in so many ways.
I don't know what happened after I drifted away from Prince Royce, but some how 28 year old Dani, made her way back to 10 year old Dani, and I binged on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. I told you this is not sex in the city. This is sex in Angel Grove. It all went down hill when 1.) I found out Nicktoons had PR Dino Thunder in syndication (featuring Dr. O better known as Tommy the Green Ranger) and 2.) A free trial of Netflix which has all the Power Rangers. I have gone absolutely nuts, watching interviews, videos, massive crap on youtube of the power rangers lots of Jason David Frank (Green Ranger) Lots of Johnny Yong Bosch (2nd Black ranger) Love them! They have filled alot of free time. (Please look for future posts about meeting JDF...HYFR!!!)
I have another love though, probably more than JDF, or JYB. My ultimate love and lover. I mean as long as I am Mama Warbucks, this thing loves me so much. I alone have helped the struggling economy....Shopping is my boo. I take care of shopping and shopping takes care of me. It almost doesn't even matter where I do the shopping, as long as I have money I will buy anything. (you mean like that Power Ranger bag with the Megazord on it or the monthly fee for both Netflix ANDClubfitness) Its clothes and shoes that ESPECIALLY make me happy. When I can't make it to a store, Amazon is ALWAYS there to fill that need that itch to pur-chase something.

And this is what lead me to this particular blog entry. The rut. I am not a hoarder, but damn, I have bought soooooooo much crap between last summer and this summer that my room looks like a clothing store threw up in it. The rut comes from the fact that 1.) I clearly can't stop shopping (only when my bank account says stop) and 2.) I can't seem to be able to put any of it away. Its like I just go to my room sit on the bed, paralyzed then move my attention to MMPR or related movies. I will be going to an Anime Convention (JDF will be there) and so I have been trying to watch every Bleach episode. Aside from my extracurriculars I have been working and going to school. School started the whole situation (Putting the blame on something else) School
work comes before everything (for the most part) Sick thing is I have had one full week of no classes, and I have only analyzed MMPR like the show wasn't made for elementary school students and watched all the videos I can on youtube. Did I mention Eyeshine? Oh yeah that is Johnny Yong Bosch's band. Also bought their music and have been listening everyday since June 1. My rut goes further...taken care of myself...not so much....yeah I was supposedly going on a no meat health kick, some how I got fatter, going to the gym, been there once since I signed up in May, and my hair??? My hair??? I have been faking with wet and wavy. I use water, oil and wrapping foam to have that crinkle look and keep it moving. I probably haven't had my hair done since April or worst March. I don't even need to talk about other things that involve hair. BTW I will have a point in a moment.
My love life clearly doesn't matter to me. I don't work towards making any aspect of my life dateable, (as in "apartment" aka the garage my mom gave me) I don't make me available plus I look to be 15 years old (so not complaining at 28) I just appear to be jail bait. I am not helping MYSELF....sure I am working hard at my job, and school, prosperous in that aspect, but I am totally whack in other aspects. I need help and that is what I realized...in all of my knowledge that I am clearly in a rut I have not stopped to get on my knees and say: "Hey God, help please." When we are prosperous in one or two areas, like with money, work, grades, it makes it seem like everything is great when really one can still be incomplete. To fill my incompleteness I filled it with what I have always filled it with fantastical adventures via the Megazord. So tonight I need to bring it back with a good prayer...The line "Jesus Didn't Tap" can no longer be my bread and water, its not enough. Maybe I will get myself out of the ridiculousness save some money and move to a higher position in prosperity opposed to being stuck in one place becoming complacent.
PS: This blogger is called: "This is Not Sex in the City" and I wanted to talk about living in Dover and all that there is not to do here, but i get caught up on other things. It doesn't matter anyway. I will just say that I have been to Fraziers (The Lobby House) more in one month, than ever, because my first time was June. Retirement Party, then Birthday Party, August will be my high school reunion and it will be there a well...there is my Dover girl moments.
PSS: If I decide to take myself to dinner, for crab legs and a glass of moscato, I'll get back to ya...smh!
I was going to write this blog about my current love life or lack thereof. I think this is the first time in my life that I don't have a crush on anybody. Like no man who I literally know is holding my attention at all. I have never been in such situation. (Had crushes since I was six, my first crush was on a third grader lmao) I have been single since 2/2010, which isn't that long and didn't feel that long considering I filled that year with two flings...College Boy and Mi Amor, which were both complicated situations that were entwined at times. Once I got over the latter, I have been crush free, but I did fill that void with what else? Ridiculousness...first Prince Royce, who helped me deal with after affects of having a latin love.
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Jason David Frank, MMA fighter and 7th degree black belt Karate Entrepenuer |
Johnny Yong Bosch, voice actor for Ichigo of Bleach and live action actor |

My love life clearly doesn't matter to me. I don't work towards making any aspect of my life dateable, (as in "apartment" aka the garage my mom gave me) I don't make me available plus I look to be 15 years old (so not complaining at 28) I just appear to be jail bait. I am not helping MYSELF....sure I am working hard at my job, and school, prosperous in that aspect, but I am totally whack in other aspects. I need help and that is what I realized...in all of my knowledge that I am clearly in a rut I have not stopped to get on my knees and say: "Hey God, help please." When we are prosperous in one or two areas, like with money, work, grades, it makes it seem like everything is great when really one can still be incomplete. To fill my incompleteness I filled it with what I have always filled it with fantastical adventures via the Megazord. So tonight I need to bring it back with a good prayer...The line "Jesus Didn't Tap" can no longer be my bread and water, its not enough. Maybe I will get myself out of the ridiculousness save some money and move to a higher position in prosperity opposed to being stuck in one place becoming complacent.
PS: This blogger is called: "This is Not Sex in the City" and I wanted to talk about living in Dover and all that there is not to do here, but i get caught up on other things. It doesn't matter anyway. I will just say that I have been to Fraziers (The Lobby House) more in one month, than ever, because my first time was June. Retirement Party, then Birthday Party, August will be my high school reunion and it will be there a well...there is my Dover girl moments.
PSS: If I decide to take myself to dinner, for crab legs and a glass of moscato, I'll get back to ya...smh!
Friday, May 25, 2012
Back to Action
The right thing to do would be my homework, I clearly excel at the wrong thing. I wouldn't be able to do my homework anyway. I want to call this week the most horrible week ever but that would be lying. It's far from the worst and closer to the best. It started on a terrible note and I have been falling into a depression ever since. I killed my computer, oh you know the one it was practically BRAND NEW as I purchased it in February. And with the silliest decision I killed it in one DROP. If you haven't realized it yet I am a let's see, I called myself a "Morpher" once, I like to think of it as a Morphicon, but con stands for convention. In an analogy I am to Power Rangers as a trekkie is to Star Trek...get it...it's been stated in previous blogs as well as status updates on facebook. (Yes this ties in to the death of my computer and depression let me get to it). If you know me then you are aware of the fact that everything that I like/love I tend to get fantical about, I can't help it, if I could I would change because my fantasism has cause great pain in my life being that most people do not understand such fanatisim. Well I sort of took myself on a Power Ranger binge (yes I am adult but each of us has something we love to that degree, for some its alcohol) Like everything I took this binge to the next level as I have been finding the work of "EX" rangers (technically none of them are EX rangers because the motto is once a ranger always a ranger {not YOLO}). Getting back on track to the death of what was becoming my cuttie buddy (as I began sleeping with my computer, as in side by side) I found an awesome Thriller/Horror/Martial Arts film with Johnny Yong Bosch a.k.a Adam the second black ranger after Zack and Karen Ashley a.k.a. Aisha the second yellow ranger after Trini. I found it on Amazon and it was not even a question I bought it and that was that. I watched loved it and wanted to share it with my mom. Not quite sure why I turn to my mother with my fanaticism she hates all that is Power Rangers due to my adoration as a 10 year old, but this was a movie that had nothing to do with such rangers sort of.... We watched the movie and she missed the ending as she falls asleep on most movies. But I kept her awake as I HAD to take it to the next level...next thing I know I am trying to show all these movie trailers and MMA fights with Tommy (green white red black ranger), all the con interviews....basically I started "morphin" or as the Power Rangers say: "Power Up" and a CLEAR poor choice was conceive and my computer fell from its pertch onto the floor cause the screen to do as they say crack. Now at first I was like no problem, it is still viewable on my tv with the HDMI cord. Got through the night with out Morphin, got through the morning without Morphin, took the computer to best buy where the proceeded to tell me that Dell would charge me more to fix the computer than I actually paid for the computer, I walked away with tears in my eyes to price another computer. All hope was not lost being that my pop pop knows many people with many different talents one being fixing computers for a decent price. In the meantime I have to wait, not just on the dude to fix it but also on the money for just in case have to buy a new one. This was all on Saturday....You don't know you are addicted to something until you are hunting for your remote control so that you can look on your DVR to watch a re-run of Power Rangers Dino Thunder, for a hit. At first I was like I can do this cold turkey and then I failed. Last Night I watched Might Morphin Power Rangers The Movie, and Power Rangers Turbo The Movie...AND the movie I showed my mom on that fateful night I killed my computer....
I said all of that to get to this next story:
I needed the computer to break, I realized today that I need to take sometime to pray. I think maybe during my childhood alot of my fanaticism was my way of coping or lack thereof to reality. What is reality? My reality is that I tend to separate myself from others. My reality is that my main squeeze is my Dog. My reality is that people are mean and will try to hurt you. My reality is that this is literally not "sex in the city." My reality is I haven't been on a date in like two years maybe. My reality is that I'm not getting any younger. My reality is that it will be a few more years before my career is where it should be as far as me becoming a teacher. My reality is I often feel pathetic. My reality is that my mom is not getting any younger, and my old people are slimmer. I have my maternal pop pop and paternal grandma. My aunt and uncles are older. I am becoming the "matriarch" in my household (in so many ways). ETC ETC ETC.... On top of all of this I got my first bad grade of my WHOLE WILM U experience and my current class seems to have left me (I can't focus) and I haven't had the best experience in my first full-time job. So what did I do? The same thing I did when I felt alone when I was 10. As Tommy said to the Dragonzord as he was losing his powers, "One more time, old friend." With the help or should I say Thanks to netflix I watched ALL of ZEO, found out there had been Alien Rangers, and watched Turbo until the last of the Tommy era turned there powers over to a new group of "teenagers". It helped me forget about things or at least made me think of them less. It can be considered a stress reliever.
It was important for my computer to break because sometimes as you run away from what is deemed bad you lose sight of some important things like God. One thing I take away from my Power Ranger abuse is: "Jesus didn't tap." Jason David Frank best known as Tommy is a christian athelete. As a MMA fighter or Mixed Martial Artist, he created the Jesus Didn't Tap line of MMA clothing. In MMA when a fighter is pinned they tap out. In Jesus' fight he did NOT tap out. He continued and rose again.... In all of this I am so glad to have this in the back of my mind and every now and then as I abused the rangers I would say to myself Jesus Didn't Tap....Meaning that through all my struggles I can depend on him. Today in the clarity on my "sober" mind I knew that it was time to pray. I tried to deceive myself. I tried to hide under the covers. I turned my mind off and I put on a Poker Face or to keep with the ranger talk I put on my helmet and stopped paying attention to the fact that there are enemies all around trying to stop my success.
The silly thing is that just as Power Rangers helps me to chill out, it brings back old memories of the past, such as the number of people who think I am silly for liking such a show. The awkward-ness of adolescence and the awkward-ness that is ever so present in my life. It makes me rethink the person I am...it makes me wonder about the person I am becoming. So as many drugs it is just as much a demon as it is a savior.
It all makes me realize that I won't be able to get anywhere without accepting who I am first....a woman, who although smart likes the not so evident things, a woman who's not settling, a woman who has options, a woman who's great no matter what others try to say. I have to like me sometimes that is hard because sometimes I am not sure who me is.... I must trust God's will for my life after all he promise everything would be great.
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