I am late with this post because when I am not going to work everyday, and staying on my schedule and structure I start to go out of control. Everything goes haywire. Here is a pic I took and yes it is filtered. I don’t think I should be viewed any other way right now. I wish people has filters built into their eyes so that they wouldn’t be able to see all the ugly over here... any way let’s stay positive I suppose... (I want for all my friends to be positive and happy) I am supposed to add my friends to this lol... I didn’t ask for permission either lol.
FIRST OF ALL one of my friends is in Turkey and missing like we haven’t heard from her in like a month or 2 and we miss her and we are worried. When your friends are abroad there isn’t much you can do when they suddenly disappear. We can only pray she is ok. I don’t have a typical set of friends well we all might have friends like this I am probably not the only one...
Friends since High School:
Rachel or as I renamed her “Chuckie” just some random high school sh*t lol. Band geeks forever... we probably go back a little further but we didn’t start hanging tough until high school. She does her thing, I do my thing, we always find a moment to support each other. We always check in like: Hey. 😂
Howard Girls:
Meeting Danielle freshmen year was probably the best thing that ever happened at Howard. We were just the right amount of energy for each other... Me slightly more outgoing to cover my insecurities and she was slightly timid and studious. Now she is a mom still doing her thing. It is so nice to be able to witness a person’s growth. LOL first notice in both pics I am not a bride and I am wearing pink... when I get married... if I get married I think I will wear a pink gown lol I’ll be 65 anyway.
Carty or should I say, Mrs. Robinson and I don’t talk on a reg, but I love her.
Digital/Cyber Besties:
When my family was going through a lot with my grandfather and his health I felt very alone. Sure I had my mom and my brother, but when it is all said and done, I would go to my room and I be alone with my two dogs. I honestly can’t remember what was going on, but I remember saying to myself that I didn’t want to say anything publicly and that I only wanted to share with a particular group of Hottests. “Hottest” is the name of the fan club for people who love the group 2pm. So I created a DM group on twitter and told a few Hottest about my situation at the time. Now one of my babes (Jess, Singapore) was working like 5 jobs and trying to get herself back in school. Another one of my babes (Ebi, Indonesia) has a family and is a housewife. She can be considerably busy. Trust and believe I love the all of them, but Kass and Eylul stayed in the loop with me and everything that was going on. Now we literally don’t go a day without saying something. I am really busy with work but when things wind down and I get a chance I get in one of the DMs and say something. Eylul is the one I mentioned that is in Turkey and missing, Kass is my other homie who lives in the USA. I have never met any of these people in my life, but as hottest we do what we can to be supportive of each other and we throw pics of our boys in the mix from time to time. It’s like a secret language lol we speak 2pm. 😂
Teacher Friends:
So let me just say there is someone I appreciate like ALOT at work, but I am just gonna leave you guessing on that one... “Daria”. ANYWAY my babes is my Jazmin. When Jaz first entered my life as my para during summer school, I was like who is this little girl (cause the youngin’s are little to me LOL). She is the only opera singer I know personally and she is a beautiful person inside and out. Her glass is alway half full and she sees the good in everything, but she isn’t dumb and she’s not naive only a smidgen. She decided to take on teaching and I am just like *blink blink* She has a GOOD no gimmick heart. Pure intent.
Male Friends:
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Tony Ray |
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D.Coney |
I am shocked that I have so many females in my life there was a time when it seemed like all my friends were dudes. The homies... these two are my security... LOL... body guards LOL 😂 D. Coney and Tony Ray are the homies. There are stories that go with both friendships. I met Tony Ray first at a con in like 2012. I knew him from following JDF (Green Ranger). With Dan we never met... he had only heard of me and then we met at a con the following year. Tony mean so much to me because seeing him cosplay and live his life makes me feel like I can do anything I want. Seeing him pretend to be a super hero makes me feel like I can also pretend to be a superhero... lol. Tony does what he wants and he is who he wants to be and it’s NOT labeled aside from being a Blerd, Tony is just Tony. D.Coney is a family man with super skills on a canvas. And has also helped me see that it’s ok to be nerdy and sexy. I can’t remember his exact words to me but it was something to the effect of “even though you weren’t sure about your costume you still did it, now you can work on it to figure out how to make it better for you.” Not his exact words but whatever he said resonated with me and made me feel good about myself. And that’s all that really matter at the end of all of this...
... Friends are people who should never make you feel bad about the things you want to do or the things that you do. I try to be supportive but I also tend to keep it real. If I think you are making an idiot decision than I say that to you. I try to say it in a nice way but if you don’t get it then I will be blunt. I have been blunt with all the people above. Luckily they appreciate me enough to at least listen, even if they didn’t agree even if they didn’t take my advice. And I hear them when they try to help me, but I am usually too far gone with my head in my ass to listen LOL! Actually I tend to make moves and then be like oh damn... maybe I need help. These people see me through it tho LOL!
❤️❤️❤️🥰 I’m so glad that we are friends. This is a beautiful post!