Wednesday, December 4, 2019

30 Day Challenge: Day 16: Selfie...

So I renamed the challenge. It really said Another Picture of yourself. First of all, why? I’m gross... second like again when was this challenge created. This person was running out of ideas... anyway I have two pics for your observations. LOL! (Also why is this the narcissist challenge LOL)

*WARNING* Pic number one is called: I Woke Up Like This.

We both look crazy, I was just “waking” up. I say it like that because I really wake up at 6:30am or so and literally lay in bed for hours (if its the weekend or a day off) My pup hates selfies so he was already over it.

Now here is a selfie that looks great (because its filtered) and my hair is fixed. That’s better right LOL!! Still not fully happy as I am either a work in progress or forever gross. But my hair stay on fleek. My stylist slays and my hair just be laid!

There you are more pics of me... what kind of content is this??? I mean unless you stan me (do you, I am accepting fans LOL). I am no one important. Just a single spec. ed. teacher  or as I like to say Schoolmarm.

Can I tell you are secret? I want to try a dating site. I wonder why I feel it in spirit to date again? Maybe Jun. K is lowkey getting married and as Drake said:  “LORD knows LORD knows”  the devastation will be real (but for realz dating wouldn’t not stop that devastation)

Meh... I rather be devastated by Minjun’s whatever, than to go through the dating process.

I rather write a fanfic about dating a person. LOL!!! I don’t need more reality humans I need more reality dogs....

OK so the truth is the person I would date... is famous and younger... another person I would date is famous (not Drake or Minjun) and my age... any other person I would date lives in California, but aren’t “famous,” yet... LOL! I am about to date me and be free.  (How did I even get to this...)


  1. Replies
    1. I have been thinking about it a lot lately, I actually tried to set up an account on eharmony but I messed up and didn’t know how to fix it so I deleted it smh
