Tuesday, December 10, 2019

30 Day Challenge: Day 18 Plans/Goals/Dream

Dreama cherished aspiration, ambition, or ideal.
Plana detailed proposal for doing or achieving something.
Goal: the end toward which effort is directed

I had to be extra... and look up the words because although we tend to use these words under the same meaning they are not the same things. BUT looking at the definitions I see how they all work together. You are also going to have another word added and that word might just be: work. 

Work: to produce a desired effect or result. 

So it looks like you have a dream, you make a plan, then work on that plan until you reach the goal which means you were able to bring your dream to fruition. 
Is a dream realistic or out of the world? If I say my dream is to meet Jun. K, is that ridiculous because he is “famous” (not to mention a 14hr plane trip away) and that seems far fetched? Should my dream be closer to what I actually do daily as in my dream is to be the best teacher that I can be, become the national teacher of the year, and work hard to help students meet scholastic goals? Would that be more credible because it seems less selfish and also more career oriented?
The movie Hook teaches us that adults forget about the magic they had in youth due to all the b*llsh*t that devours their life once they “grow up.” Since I am 35 going on 36 am I a grown up who must turn silly dreams into more adult appropriate “dreams.”  I think Hook is also trying to teach us to never forget the magic we once had, true it might not be as bright as it was when we were 6,but there is a little gleam of happy thoughts that enables us to fly when needed. In other words DREAM and keep BELIEVING in yourself. YOUR DREAMS aren’t SILLY. As long as you have breath you can make a dream a reality.
I can dream of meeting Jun. K and being the national teacher of the year (honestly I feel like the probability of that is lower than meeting Jun. K), but what will be important for both of the those goals are my plans and the work I put into making it happen to reach the outcome, which is the dream. Its a circle or cycle. 

ALSO sometimes its ok to be vocal about goals, but remember you only need positive pushes from people and not negative pushes. Talk to people you trust about your goal or keep it to yourself. That is not the normal advice given, some professionals say to talk with others about you goals, but honestly I wouldn’t talk to anyone unless they were a person who had vast knowledge about the dream/goal and ways of helping you plan for your dream/goal. In other words I better go talk to the head of the Jun. K fan club and learn a little MORE Korean.

JUST STAY POSITIVE and make sure you keep GOD involved.

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