Somtimes you don't know
You have potential
Until someone tells you
Then you either
take a step out
Or push that person away
Ignoring the encouragement
because fear paralyzes you
Disabling you from making moves
Such a shame
You can't see the
Good in you
They are only better than you
Because you won't
Be you....
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Unfinished...Untitled...take as is...
I feel so wack
So lonely at times
I start to want to cry
and I just don't know why
I tell myself "get over it,
move on from that shit"
Sometimes I get lonely
Sometimes I get scared
Sometimes I wonder how I ever made it here
The only time I'm happy
Is when I see those smiling faces
get off the buses in the morning
so glad to be in school
Or when I'm behind the desk
helping those silly college fools
Or I'm in the mall
Shopping til I drop
Spending money fills my closets
but I'm still without
And I hate to be that girl
who needs a boyfriend
But I was thinking marriage
and a set of twins
But I will be patient
I may not be ready for that
Plus I am more poetic
when my heart is under attack....
So lonely at times
I start to want to cry
and I just don't know why
I tell myself "get over it,
move on from that shit"
Sometimes I get lonely
Sometimes I get scared
Sometimes I wonder how I ever made it here
The only time I'm happy
Is when I see those smiling faces
get off the buses in the morning
so glad to be in school
Or when I'm behind the desk
helping those silly college fools
Or I'm in the mall
Shopping til I drop
Spending money fills my closets
but I'm still without
And I hate to be that girl
who needs a boyfriend
But I was thinking marriage
and a set of twins
But I will be patient
I may not be ready for that
Plus I am more poetic
when my heart is under attack....
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
It's the most wonderful time of the year.....
So I am watching TV and I see some commercials that are of people dating or on dates and I was like I am going to be single again…
…again as if for the past 4 years I have actually been single, maybe not but its felt like it, probably because the relationships I was in weren’t the ones I should have been in and therefore failures, such as…
…the relationship that was over by October anyway and never really official ANYWAY or…
…the one that was official, even though he really wanted to break up with me in November, but decided February over Yahoo! Messenger was better or…
…the one who was torn between me and another chica and only went with me because her heart was not over her EX again over before it could begin with the wonderful world of Orders over Seas from Uncle Sam or…
the one who, wasn’t there do to certain circumstances that I can’t complain about, but overall it wasn’t the “ideal” situation to be it no matter how great the gifts were that helped to make up for other bullshyte situations…
For so ODD reason the Fall/Winter season is NOT my time for romance and I don’t get it, because the saying has always been “You get bunned up in the winter (to keep warm) and drop it cause it’s hot in the summer.” You don’t bring sand to the beach. But I have been sand FOR SURE.
As much as I say that I am ok with being single is as much as that on the inside I am saying the complete opposite the difference allow though I see this as something I want I don’t have an urgency for it. When would we have time to do anything ESPECIALLY if he has a job and his hours are anywhere between because we would be together exactly never…with my hours being and class on certain nights oh and those hours at the Library. (Life!!! Life!!! Where art thou? LOL!) But that is who likes me…no matter the position…from Wal-Mart associate, Human Resource Shift Manager, or the damn Po po…. But that is beside the point….I have a plan…and it means that I have to step out a little.
#1.) Read the Dover Post for local events.
Why is this hard? Because when the Dover Post comes on Wednesday it stays in the driveway until the next Wednesday. FOR SHAME!!! Yeah I know but I haven’t been all that impressed with them since they ignored my resume. Anyway Local Events are a great way for me to get out and do the things I like to do oppose to the other stuff offered, such as a free or cheap ticket price for a museum thing, or something like the Wine thing they had at Dover Downs.
#2.) Look on other event calendars for other Galas.
#3.) Pick, Choose, Plan.
I need to check out such events and plan for them. I have sooooooooo many nice dresses and outfits, for ANY occasion.
#4.) Go!
I hold myself back from such things. I always have an excuse not to go…EVEN if I ALREADY BOUGHT THE TICKET HELLO! Cold weather will be my biggest excuse, driving second biggest, but overall problem will be pure lazy I don’t feel like doing a damn thing.
#5.) I need to just go wherever anyway!
I mean why not just go to BBW like what’s good and sit at the bar like what? Or any other bar for that matter? I mean why not? Someone told me to do this like a year ago, but you know people don’t like to listen plus it wasn’t what I wanted to hear at the time.
I mean why not just go to BBW like what’s good and sit at the bar like what? Or any other bar for that matter? I mean why not? Someone told me to do this like a year ago, but you know people don’t like to listen plus it wasn’t what I wanted to hear at the time.
Okay so all of this sounds pathetic, but I don’t want to be in a relationship so much as I just want a little out about time, meeting and greeting people I don’t know. Sounds dumb but its more about getting my face out there than anything else, how else will any one know the chick that drives that Green Ru and dresses like a Rock Star ok a low budget Beyonce/Mariah Carey and sometimes Michael Jackson LMAO!!!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Flip this REGRET!
Usually I am regret free. I live free, do what I do, and live with the consequences. I just don't usually do anything. I don't make bad decisions so I don't usually have regrets. When I do, do something that could leave me with regrets I recognize my mistake and move on... I don't think I will be able to move on from this....
Please don't laugh at me after reading this...
And I wasn't drunk during any of this...most people know my drinking style is slim to none....
Sunday, September 4, 2011
My Enemy...ME!!!!
“Satan may try and bombard you with negative thoughts, and if he does, realize that those thoughts aren’t you thoughts.” Jesse Duplantis Voice of the Covenant July 2008
I found out that someone talked about me behind my back and I didn’t give it a second thought. I knew that what they said about was wrong and untrue. This betrayal did not cause me to lose sleep or become depressed at all. As a matter of fact rarely am I bothered by what others think of me…its what I think of me that can get me down.
I can be my OWN worst enemy. 2011 has been a big year for me. I have been prosperous…from going for my masters to now getting a position with the capital school district as a full time para…2011 has been my year. All A’s one B, and more money. I just told a college buddy that I am the happiest I have been in a long time. Happy not content, HAPPY…. But sometimes it only takes a slight ignorant thought to come to mind to ruin your peace of mind.
It started last night I bought a really nice dress a few weeks ago with the intention to wear it to church only to conclude it’s a little too short. For me it was too short. I said (and the next morning my mom said) that it would be great for a date; you know if a young man asked me to dinner. NOW of course I was like yeah right “who, when, where?” That was disheartening, than I tried another dress and just felt like it over powered my small frame. SO then I was sad because my size and body type is so odd, I have hips and a butt like a black girl, my boobs haven’t been right since 2007. I need an XS/2 in Misses sizes, but how oftern do you see that? So I struggle but I wouldn’t want to be any bigger of course who would??? That will happen as time moves on…so I was in tears because I felt ugly, and because I feel like I don’t dress for my age. I gave up and went to bed. Well as soon as I tried to close my eyes I could only see one face. As soon as I saw this face I thought of how dumb I could be to love this face. This mad me angry at myself for having a heart to love, love can make you so dumb and although I have heard you do have a choice in who you love I am feeling like sometimes I didn’t choice this at all but I guess I did. And maybe LOVE is too strong of a word, regardless the point is I was PISSED at myself and decide to drown myself in the most depressing music I could fine on my phone. Until I fell asleep. The bad feelings I had of myself went into the morning and I found myself lying across the couch saying: “I’m ugly and gross.” This continued to church and it is so crazy that the first person to say anything was talking about this exact thing. Which lifted my spirits a bit. Church always lifts my spirit. The message that the Pastor had was that we were about to move into some of our BEST days. Now I already knew this of my near future but the reminder helped me out of my self loathing. I think that God saw my struggle last night because after church I came home and I have this magazines from Jesse Duplantis and they have been in the floor near my things and I have been meaning to read them so I look at the first article and that is where I found the quote above and:
“So if your mind re-plays negative thoughts about yourself over, and over, recognize that those aren’t your thoughts. That’s a tactic of the devil to get you to speak doubt and give up on your destiny.”Jesse Duplantis
If I stayed in a funk that is exactly what would happen next I would give up on myself.
And that seems so silly I mean. My ego is well fed on a daily basis. I mean an old man complemented me on my eyebrows, and friend told me my Wesley babies are asking for me. I am redeeming myself from my average grades at Howard with my awesome grades at Wilmington University and the teacher I am working with as well as others are impressed by how hard working I am…so I have no reason to really hate myself, except for my heart that tends to hold on to things for longer than necessary. That I do hate myself for but what I need to do about this my heart maybe speak to my hearts future.
When it comes to matters of the heart I tend to just say oh it will happen when it happens. I just don’t want to be some girl who prays for a man that’s not me and I DEF will NOT be praying for a SPECIFIC person to be my man. It’s funny because of ALL things I really felt that I gave matters of love to God but every now and then that bug hits me as I notice young guys who are married, engaged, or booed up. I think what the deuce is wrong with me that no one of equals would like to date me. When I say no one I mean no one black, white, latino, Chinese, (well that Filipino wanted to take me home but that’s not date. LOL!!!) I think that I can only see the surface and that is why this of all things I know I have given God, because I can’t see it all. God has shown me a lot of my future and it is good, but my love life is still vague to me. I won’t see this coming and this is clearly how God wants it. I trust it.
Overall my point is that I MUST remember the way that Satan will try to attack me and I have to speak the word of God over him to make him flee….I am just glad that God is with me and put all the things in my path today so that I would get out of my funk. The magazine that I picked up today I thought was the one that came in the mail recently and that is why I had plans to read it. When I was taking notes I took a look at the date and saw that it was from 2008. I can only THANK GOD for pulling me out before I fell into that mess….but that is what Psalm 91 is for….
Goals achieved for 2011
1.) Enrolled in a Master of Spec. ED. progam
2.) Position Acquired as Summer School Para Professional!
4.) Full-Time Paraprofessional!!!!
One more left.... :-)
One more left.... :-)
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Jealousy...who ME??? NO....
I didn’t watch the VMAs but got word on the street from Facebook and immediately noticed the Beyonce preggo statuses and you know what happened to me that shocked even me…
…I got sick to my stomach. Literally and was on the verge of vomiting. Being that I had eaten tuna fish I really didn’t want to bring that up so I took my dog for a walk and got some air. Of course walking my dog is when I become aware of myself and the answers to my universe. I came to the realization that I was jealous. Jealous…of a celebrity. It seemed idiotic and of ALL things. After I came in for the walk I took time to put my outfit together for work and let that feeling subside. The next morning my mom was telling me that The Today Show was going to be talking about Beyonce’s MTV announcement and I saw the clip and felt ok. Then while at lunch I youtubed the video of the performance was happy for her.
I was really disappointed in my moment of jealousy and in my walk in so many ways confessed my sin, but this type of jealousy has been in my heart before. It’s not my biological clock and it's not a need to be motherly. When I was sick back in 2007 dealing with crohn’s I was really scared that I was going to have to be on meds my whole life and these meds caused miscarriages I would never be able to have a baby. I am no longer on these meds and haven’t been since like 2007, but that stays in my mind and heart. I just don’t take the whole carrying a baby thing for granted. It is something that I know that I am not ready for financially and I have been really focused on making sure I am on the right path for my own life/career, not to mention the fact that I am not married and that is what I want for my life before becoming preggo.
Since that moment I have been feeling pretty happy for Beyonce and when I hear Love on Top I get a little misty eyed because that song will forever be tied to her announcement. At least Bey Bey did it the old fashioned traditional way…she courted, she made her own fortune, she married, continued to be a ride or die chick for her boo, and then got preggo. I think that I am going down that road, just not dating…oh well…I mean men don’t like to ask women on dates they like to ask women to come over and “chill,” which is unacceptable, but that is another blog for another day….
PS: She'll be 30 September 4th....I only wish I could be married and Preggo before 30 but the way it's looking...hmph....I can only hope that if I look 18 now and I am almost 30 than maybe my body is 18 on the inside...NOT!
Friday, July 29, 2011
I need a not so much........
I may have mentioned this before, but you I have never been out of like for someone. I mean I have always liked someone, you know maybe like a crush. When I don't like someone I probably love someone and I would probably in a relationship. Well I haven't been in an OFFICIAL relationship in like a year and a half or so, but that honestly has felt as such, considering my unofficial encounter. Regardless I haven't and right now I am feeling like I don't want to either and it is weird to me a little. I was walking my dog and the thought crossed my mind, well actually it was my imagination working over time.
First it began with me thinking about this fellow who lives near and I was thinking about how attractive he is and how interesting it would be if he tried to holla (is holla like wack to say nowadays?) and what my response would be and how others would respond and...until I thought about who he is and what he does and if he is at my level (mentally not like money and education, that stuff doesn't make someone better) and if he has thoughts of growth that don't sound like some "gangstas paradise of a get rich scam"...that's when I thought about my feelings of actually wanting a boyfriend. It is so much work. Meeting, talking, getting to know, building a trust, growing in "love", etc etc....I guess if it was with someone you might actually stay with and marry maybe that wouldn't be so freaking tedious. After meeting, falling in then out of love a few times I am like blown and at times feel like I could care less and sometimes I feel like maybe I just have pinned up feelings for that "once upon a time fella" that:
My overall point is I am actually glad that I am into my own thing right now as a single lady cause the truth is this is like the first time. Before as a young girl in college I was just going through the motions of going to school, my head in the clouds and anything was possible. Then I met someone and my focused changed. My focused changed for damn near 4 years. After that I was lost not because of the break up but because of my encounter with being sick and surgery. Finally now I am refocused with lots of energy going towards my wants, education, and career. Not to say that every now and then I am not thinking about a boo, clearly that's what I talk about in my blogs, but I am doing for me. Now I do worry about once I have everything completely on track that I will truely be on that career woman thing that men tend to be afraid of but as I have stated in a previous blog, I am believing that once everything is on track for me everything will be on track for him whoever he maybe and then by chance as another blog states we shall meet until then....
Songs mentions in this week's episode:
I need a boy friend is actually a play on B2K's Girlfriend
You Rock My World by Michael Jackson
Deuces by Chris Brown
First it began with me thinking about this fellow who lives near and I was thinking about how attractive he is and how interesting it would be if he tried to holla (is holla like wack to say nowadays?) and what my response would be and how others would respond and...until I thought about who he is and what he does and if he is at my level (mentally not like money and education, that stuff doesn't make someone better) and if he has thoughts of growth that don't sound like some "gangstas paradise of a get rich scam"...that's when I thought about my feelings of actually wanting a boyfriend. It is so much work. Meeting, talking, getting to know, building a trust, growing in "love", etc etc....I guess if it was with someone you might actually stay with and marry maybe that wouldn't be so freaking tedious. After meeting, falling in then out of love a few times I am like blown and at times feel like I could care less and sometimes I feel like maybe I just have pinned up feelings for that "once upon a time fella" that:
"rocked my world you know you didOf course I just cursed him by saying:
And everything I own I give
The rarest love, who'd think I find
Someone like you to call mine"
"All that Bullsh*t is for the birds you ain't nothing but a vulture."But of course you know that an ounce of love stays in my heart because that is the type of person that I am overall, my point is that I haven't been in need of a relationship. Not to say that I haven't seen some prospects, I have been trying to get to the Sunglass Hut cause I seen a cutie, but knowing me he is probably like 18. (Cougar like...).
My overall point is I am actually glad that I am into my own thing right now as a single lady cause the truth is this is like the first time. Before as a young girl in college I was just going through the motions of going to school, my head in the clouds and anything was possible. Then I met someone and my focused changed. My focused changed for damn near 4 years. After that I was lost not because of the break up but because of my encounter with being sick and surgery. Finally now I am refocused with lots of energy going towards my wants, education, and career. Not to say that every now and then I am not thinking about a boo, clearly that's what I talk about in my blogs, but I am doing for me. Now I do worry about once I have everything completely on track that I will truely be on that career woman thing that men tend to be afraid of but as I have stated in a previous blog, I am believing that once everything is on track for me everything will be on track for him whoever he maybe and then by chance as another blog states we shall meet until then....
Songs mentions in this week's episode:
I need a boy friend is actually a play on B2K's Girlfriend
You Rock My World by Michael Jackson
Deuces by Chris Brown
Saturday, July 9, 2011
A work in process is out there....
So I was talking with my mom and I said: “I wonder if people wonder why I am single? People think that I am so pretty and cute, I wonder about that…” (When I said people I was not including the jerks on the internet who like to ask: “Why are you single?”)
She said that I shouldn’t worry about that, but if they ask I should tell them I am not trying to settle for anything.
This is the truth….
I really can’t imagine living and loving someone who otherwise makes me miserable. I know what its like and it sucks and I refuse to be in that condition. Settling puts you in that position. No one is perfect sure, but damn, a jobless louse is not the right route I am sure. Even a working louse is still not the one.
I met someone who I feel would be a great candidate for a future, he works, he’s very caring, we share similar opinions and similar interests, he READS BOOKS, and most of all I liked him, but unfortunately there are too many stipulations surrounding him that keeps him from me both physically and mentally. I think I had his heart, but if you didn’t know love is NOT all you need to make, and now you know. So because of the stipulations its on to the next one for me. It sucks, it hearts. I’ve drops a few tears, I reached out, I gave it time, I’ve gotten fed up, I’ve given it to God, but overall I have had to move on, which difficult when you are thinking that someone. I just can’t settle for anything. I refuse.
You know I have tried to lower my, not standards, but expectations, and look at what I ended up with, a break up like a month after he was sent over seas. His problem too young for him to settle (HA!).
Plenty of guys try to talk to me but it doesn’t take too long for idiotic sounding things to come out and jibber jabber that fills me in on the fact that I won’t be able to go with it.
Now I am 27 and that’s not bad. I am ok with being single. First of all I lose too much of my self in a relationship. I focus a lot of time and energy on that person and I don’t have the time right now with school and trying to work hard. Secondly I still have time.
Personally I try to believe that God is working on it and will show it all in due time. I like to think that my dude is still being worked on by God, well I guess we are always being tweeked but what I mean is that my guy is going through a transformation right now and as soon as God takes care of this transformation/enlightenment my guy will be revealed to me and from there….
Clearly I am being worked on for someone in particular too…
I wish my guy was Shia Labeouf…LOL!
It could happen, I’ve have so recently in my own experience learned that God works very very very very mysteriously and works miracles that leave people dumbfounded so who’s to say Shia and I won’t meet and make little Transformer/Indian Jones babies. I’m just saying don’t try to predict God and never say never. (A lil piece of me still loves Marques Houston as well.)
Monday, July 4, 2011
"On That Fourth Of July"
Fourth of July is probably my favorite holiday basically for the fireworks. Sure I have the American spirit and I also support our troops, but overall fireworks are the most fun. Even though this is my favorite I usually find myself a little depressed at this time ESPECIALLY with being single. Valentine’s Day and all the gooshy lovey dovey stuff is nothing to me. I mean I wish that I would get a valentine or have a secret admirer but I get over it and show my mom and brother love instead. For some reason Independence Day is the worst day to be alone.(Second to New Year’s and a the Kiss) I blame Mariah Carey. (Funny how I can fit her into like every blog) On her Butterfly album she has a song called Fourth of July. (FYI the reason I like Mariah has to do with a friend of mine back in the 6th grade who moved away and I just took on that "fandum" and Butterfly came out right around this time) This song talks about young love on the Fourth of July, young innocent, virgin love, that is so sweet and tender enjoying America’s Independence Day. After experiencing this song I have wanted a night like this…I am not so young or innocent, but I still hope for this type of 4th and in all the “love” that I have ever had this day has yet to occur.
Going back I remember one 4th crying while I watched the fireworks with someone who I like to think of as insensitive. Really the problem was that I was expecting my Mariah Carey 4th of July with him instead of realizing he was not that kind of guy. One has to understand the holidays, not just Christmas, my birthday and Valentine’s Day, all holidays, are important to me and my family, so someone who comes from a family where holidays aren’t so important well that can be a strain. The last time I wasn’t single on the Fourth of July was back in 2009, but it wasn’t a Mariah Carey Fourth although it was young and dumb with silly on the side. I had fun but it didn’t have that magic that MC was talking about. 2010 comes along and I was single again…sorta…I am still floating on that “affair” to this day, but we didn’t have a Fourth of July, we had a sweet summer evening complete with wine and a black n mild (did I mention it doesn’t take much to make me happy, I usually allow my imagination to do the rest HA!)
Now it is 2011 and I am along again…no Mariah Carey Fourth of July for me. I mean maybe this is a good thing. FOR ONE I refuse to give up on love, even if I have to be 35 when love finds me. (Yeah love has to find me because I am like standing here waiting HA! and I hope it is before 35 because after 35 I am just going to allow my body to dry and dissolve) SECONDLY, I hope to have a wonderful July 4th with someone I will have the rest of my July 4ths with one day. THIRDLY…I could do without a MC 4th considering in the song it rains on them in the end.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Have you seen my childhood....
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. Corinthians 13:11 KJV
When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. Corinthians 13:11 NIV
I think finally after a few years I feel like I am putting away childish things. Ok not so much BUT my life is rolling and it appears its the right path. I am doing things that I doubted I would have been able to do years ago. I feel like I must have put away childish things, in a since because my adult world is growing although I am still me. When I say "still me" I mean I am totally a goofball, but I guess maturity isn't the subtraction of that is fun. I think that is something I never fully understood. I speak like a child sometimes, I have child-like thoughts at times, but over all I am doing adult things and achieving my by one...and the childish things are falling behind as I come into what I am to be....
Goals achieved for 2011
1.) Enrolled in a Master of Spec. ED. progam
2.) Position Aquired as Summer School Para Professional!
WOW! Two more to go...What's the next one? LOL!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
The Fourth Wall...a new superstition
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Breaking the 4th wall LOL! |
Have you ever heard of the “fourth wall”? If you are an actor or work in theatre than you probably know that the “fourth wall" is an imaginary wall between the audience and the actors on stage. Even though I am fully aware of stage rules, I didn’t know about this wall. I mean I didn’t know there was a term for it. My brother informed me about it when he was technically forced against his will to listen to The- Dream and in the song Sex Intelligent, The -Dream sings : Know this song is over….and my brother was like he just broke the 4th wall and I was like what…so my brother began to ramble as he does in the voice that came from our father and tells me all about this wall… so I say oh yeah Marques Houston does that in another song called Mattress Music and he sings: First I want to thank you for buying this cd, I promise when you hear it, you’ll be thanking me…. Any way I didn’t think about this wall much until last night!
I have been chatting with a facebook friend for about 3 days now and this person is pretty cool, technically he’s local and because he sort of grew up in Dover/Camden, and went to school around here he is in my safety zone. (Everyone is assumed to be a murderer regardless of the safety zone creditals) So he has my number and wanted to upgrade our convo to a phone call and even though there is nothing wrong with this I am really trying to do these relationship things centimeter by centimeter, not that it’s that serious, I just feel like other situations moved too fast and ended in the same speed…slow motion might make things last longer, or end quicker… I just feel a way about these things now so taking time is best. During our convo I told him his profile pic reminded me of an example internet pic, you know how you like go to a site and it teaches you how to use the site and in the example they have a picture of whomever doing whatever or like you google pictures of something and all the pics are like set up professionally like an ad…that’s what his profile pic looks like. So I said that he might not even be a real person.
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One of those internet not real ppl pics |
We both thought that this stuff I was saying at probably 12am or 1 am was hilarious and I guess the idea of him being an imaginary person made him want to call or maybe it was the inconvenience of typing I dunno but I didn’t want him to call me so I told him it would break the fourth wall and it all snow balled in to the most hilarious bunch of jokes ever.
Now I get to the point of this blog…unfortunately I was serious about this fourth wall and I made up excuses so he wouldn’t call but the truth is…fear. I guess I’ve been down this road before…I meet someone virtually or in real life, we chit chat, it’s the best convos in the longest, so much in common, he’s attractive or his personally overrides something that is unattractive, we decide to meet, we date, we crash, and then we burn and I am left to think about how dumb I was for allowing them in my life to begin with. I felt that if he had of called me, he WOULD have broken the fourth wall and the show would plummeted from there. Jinx…a phone call would have been a jinx. Like I was joking saying a phone call would have been like the movie the Adjustment Bureau because he broke the fourth wall and the earth would shatter, something would have shattered.
I know this all seems silly, but sometimes insecurities and emotional wounds create another realm of problems. You get caught up in trying to make sure that you aren’t hurt again. If it stays at a lower friendship level you shouldn’t get hurt right? (Apparently this is called undermining) I think at times my mind is clouded with so much and that is the big reason I decided to try and work on my goals…I tend to get lost while in relationships because I forget my role is GIRLFRIEND not WIFE not even COMMON LAW WIFE. It took me a minute to understand that this is what my mom’s point has been all this time. I just want to make sure at the end of the day I’ve got all that I need for me regardless of who is at my side and if I decide to share it with them or not you know.
The fourth wall maybe imaginary and it is easily broken but try to keep it up for a while, make sure you have a strong foundation in yourself, and then break the barrier. That’s what I’ll be working on.
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When you are ready Karate Kick the wall down! |
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Shopsdrops Syndrome...coping with Clotheswhorism!
I had an appointment in which my outfit had to be so so…ok it was an interview…. Now everyone knows that the official interview outfit is a black suit, slacks or a skirt, or blue suit of the same. I absolutely hate this…I mean if there was something I could do away with, it would be the black suit, and at times the LBD, Little Black Dress…sure both are sexy, but at times absolutely boring. (I also don't care for the color black because it is so dreary and slims me in which I don't really need to look any slimer since I have been slimming down anyway and that is pissing off, but that is another blog for another day.)
I thought this interview was going to be a bit more relaxed, so I asked my mom what she thought I should wear hoping she would say kahkis or something…and her response was: "well everyone has been wearing black suits"…(the interviews were in the building she currently works in) so immediately I became disgruntled, and these are the words that came out of my mouth that were etched into my head: “I hate black suits, they don’t show personality.” And as I walked out to walk my dog, it hit me like a ton of bricks: I am too dependent on my clothes.

Overall I felt some kind of way about myself. I felt like a clotheswhore. I thought about my daily activities with clothes and how lately I've been feeling like if I think something is missing from my outfit I need to buy it…like ASAP…like I wanted to wear a particular dress that's brown and cafe with a few spots of fushia and I wanted to highlight the fushia. I have fushia sandals and a fushia purse, but I needed like a fushia jacket because I always need something for my arms, I wanted to go somewhere right then at that moment and buy the piece that I needed, but I couldn't so I had to put something else on. This happens on a regular basis and I by clothes, shoes, purses and accesories anytime I am paid...and that is a problem.
A nice outfit makes me feel good, then if people compliment me it is instant gratification so clothes go a long way, but I should be confident in sweats...and I mean those "I am on my period sweats," LOL! But I don't. I have felt like crying when my outfits weren't coming out as planned. I spend time and money to find items I need to make complete outfits. I guess this really isn't as big of a problem as one might think, but overall I do feel like at times I let clothes speak for me, they say look: isn't this printed dress cute and don't I seem a little bit more personable in it? When really I have to speak real words to be personable.
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See this is a learned behavior, my mother taught me LOL! |
It is important for me to look good, and when it comes to my look I am also a perfectionist and it bugs the hell out of me if just one piece of hair is out of place ( I have taught myself to realize we can't be perfect so relax) and I also dress for MYSELF. Let's be really people make assumptions everyday based off of how someone looks...I would prefer someone think that I am classy, rich, and a nice person than to think that I am a floosey because I have on some high heels and a short skirt, (not that I wouldn't where this in the appropriate atmosphere) People notice; girls and guys, some people say they like it, some don't and others I KNOW hate (which is another reason for my dressing) but overall I dress the way I dress because I represent myself and I want someone to see a professional sometimes, spunky, or classy, or girlie, most of all womanly. Not trashy or as Destiny's Child described a Nasty Girl. So even though at times my dressing is a lil OCD with colors, matching, accesories, and shoes there is an overall reason. I just need to know how to ensure how to show my personality with or with out the pretty clothes.
By the way I got the job even if it is just over the summer it is a door opening opportunity, which means my goals are so coming along!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Goals achieved for 2011
1.) Enrolled in a Master of Spec. ED. progam
2.) Position Aquired as Summer School Para Professional!
Got a few more to go.... :-)
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
By Chance....
I told someone that in so many ways God let me know that I would get everything that want/need and I would be happy so I don’t have to worry. The person must not have understood completely because he was like “well I live like everyday is my last and I go after what I want.” I took that as he thought I was saying I don’t go after the things I want I just wait for God to do his thing… not so much but in a since yes….
So I was thinking of meeting the “One.”
Today dating is like one click away there are so many sites that claim to be able to match people and if people don’t use dating sites then they use facebook or other social networks to find possible “soul mates.” Not me. Well I don’t go on specifically looking for boyfriends, if they find me well that’s different.
Which leads me to my point…I want to be found and preferably not on the internet. I basically created a scenario of what I would like to happen one day in my life. I recently heard a quote that was like: “If you want to make God laugh, tell him what YOU want to do,” or something like that, and that’s funny because everyone knows that life is on behalf of God’s Will, but hey there is prayer right in which you ask God for what you want and he gives you what you want as He sees needed. This concept is something that I totally understand but I still like to day dream…this is how I would like to meet the one…
Randomly, as in by chance. I would want to be somewhere like in the mall or at school or a place in real life opposed to the internet. I would hope that he would have enough courage to speak to me, that is if I want him to speak to me…meaning if this happens and I am not attracted or don’t find him appealing then I probably don’t want him to speak to me but if I do then I hope he speaks. I hope that a classic conversation would ensue and at the end we exchange numbers or something.
It just doesn’t happen like this anymore.
I have met more guys from Facebook or the once popular Myspace in the past couple of years than in flesh and blood. It’s not horrible meeting people this way but I still have mayor trust issues with the internet I mean too many crazies have access to profiles. Plus I am old school I like meeting people in reality, even if they are just as crazy too. Even though I seclude myself and have become a rather solo dolo person, I am pretty sociable. I enjoy meeting people, I don’t mind going up to someone and being like” yo what’s up”…that’s me, but in my traditional world I don’t want to be the one to hit someone up first. My philosophy has become if he doesn’t speak then it wasn’t meant to be and I can forget a face as quick as I “fell in love” with that face. Sometimes I look at it like “he’s just not that in to me.” If a guy gets at me and we text or talk a little and then he disappears…good redden to rubbish. I am not going to chase dude down…I feel like I have shown my interest in speaking to you in the first place so if you don’t continue to speak to me well then you must have lost interest. Same goes if you hit me up and I don’t respond then I’m not interest…BUT if you say something to me, and I respond and you don’t respond back then I say something else to you and you still don’t respond…that’s it. You are only going to get so many chances with me.
Overall it just sucks that meeting people in person is like pulling teeth…meeting the RIGHT people in person is like pulling teeth.
But yeah that is how I would love to meet someone. Is that so wrong to ask…by chance, in person, hold a conversation (meaningful conversation) and take it from there….
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
WANTED: Traditional Good Time....
So would I be like selling myself short (or better yet would I appear desperate) if I went on Facebook and announced that I need a date?
My ad would sound something to the effect of:
Hi all…I am looking to go out on a Friday evening or Saturday afternoon in which a “date” will pick me up. The venue: Friendly’s where we can partake in a small entrĂ©e and an ice cream sundae. We will engage in small talk with jokes and laughs as we eat. Once finish the date will offer to pay and maybe I will say, “Thanks,” and maybe I will say, “that’s ok I’ll take care of my portion,” but in no way will I be paying for both of us. We will enjoy a nice car ride (I will enjoy a car ride you will drive) back to my house where I will say “deuces,” and go inside. We don’t have to talk ever again in life. I am just looking for a nice night or afternoon with Ice-cream….
I am looking for someone who would like to take me to Secrets night club in Ocean City, MD. You must be attractive 23+ years in age, football player build, 5’11-6’4 ht, 195-220 wt. Race doesn’t matter. Height and Weight does!!! Looking to relive a past experience at the club and a moment on the beach….
The date I am more interested in is the Ice-cream date and the sad thing is I have someone in mind for both, and I would, but I don’t want to ask him. (There is a follow up blog to this topic)
Meeting people, when you treat yourself like a shut in, is very hard…lol….Let us evaluate my life: I work at a college and have watched the young men come and go thinking that I am too old and too unapproachable. (I am neither of the two by the way.) I Sub…in which the adult population is very feminine based, or there are old men or old married men…clearly I am a cougar so that doesn’t work for me. (This is what working at a college has done to me.) I am now enrolled in classes for my master’s (please note my resolutions) and so far mostly women fill classes with older gentlemen here and there. I do nothing and the guys I have liked are equally unable to be a boyfriend of my standards. One in a sense can’t and the other probably the other is dreamy….as in your dreams…he makes me feel like that high school sophomore who likes that senior who doesn’t notice me…I mean them, at all and has a girlfriend to boot…
You know it is so funny how you can say you want this or that in a guy or girl but really you don’t know what you want or need which is why at the end of the day this is another “Let God” moment, because whoever is sent to find me I am so sure will be EXACTLY, EVERYTHING that I need for me and vice versa…you know I for him. I just have to make sure I remember what Mr. Adams said every morning: “Be at the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing.”
By the way to answer my question at the introduction: Yes! But not just desperate, slightly pathetic too.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Running Scared…
I tell you what, writing/telling people your goals is one thing but making them happening is another. Here I am, again about to take the first step in making accomplishing a goal; the same goal I have been saying since Fall 2010 and as I prepare to take that step fear washes over me like a rain shower, paralyzing my movement and momentum. I guess the more you are told no the more you expected to be let down resulting in you never wanting to try. The more you think about the extra responsibilities that come with your goal the more you question yourself and your abilities to perform the required tasks. You fear making mistakes. Now as those fears devour me prolong the first step, which is to simply fill out an application online, upload a resume and cover letter and click send and the rest will be up to Human Resources, but the first step is pretty easy right….not as I make myself sick thinking about all the possibilities of getting or not getting a position.
And just like I knew would happen as I started typing this up, I am reminded about faith. If I can have faith in God about EVERYTHING, but certain things I lose it and start getting all nervous and messed up, and really all I need to remember is that God will take care of me period. If I apply and get it God will help me make it through my responsibilities and show me the right path to take when making decisions. If I don’t get it then he will console me and will have another opportunity for me.
Goals achieved for 2011
1.) Enrolled in a Master of Spec. ED. progam
Got a few more to go.... :-)
Thursday, March 3, 2011
He is the ONE!!!...not so much...
One day you are walking through the mall and you notice someone checking you out. He/she is cute so you do as I would do and check back. He/She doesn't have "kahunas" to say something to you. You continue about your business and on the way back down the mall you see this person again who this time grew a pair.
"Hey, they say, how are you?"
"Fine, and you?" You say. Now if they are in the pimpology school and have a master's in mackology they will say, "I know you are fine," but hopefully they aren't and they will just say, "I good, you know I saw you and thought you are attractive, and I was just wondering if I could get your number." You say: "Sure," because this guy/girl is the best looking thing you have seen since Steve Urkel transformed in to Stephon Ur-Kel. As a matter of fact this man/woman decides to treat you to a quick lunch at that very moment. You and this person talk that day and there are several things he/she mentions: they attend a church, they like kids, they would like to be married before they are 30, and they like the beach. So the impromptu date ends and you leave feeling like you have met a great guy/girl and can't want to talk with them again. Also your brain has picked out your wedding dress, what colors to coordinate with, the fact that you can reserve the Sheraton for the wedding and reception and that his last name sound good after your first name or that her first name sounds great with your last name. This leads to my point:
My pastor said something that I will have to inscribe to my heart. It was something to the effect of seeing a wife/husband in people who are only seasonal. Meaning don't be quick to think someone is the one when they are only there to teach you one simple thing that particular season. (I think Madea said the same thing). He went on to say some people are married to a seasonal person....All because you fell before you thought. I have done that...I know men do it too, it might not seem like it but they do, I mean they are the ones proposing in most cases....
Actually I can use Mariah Carey to break down the whole affair starting with:
"Hey, they say, how are you?"
"Fine, and you?" You say. Now if they are in the pimpology school and have a master's in mackology they will say, "I know you are fine," but hopefully they aren't and they will just say, "I good, you know I saw you and thought you are attractive, and I was just wondering if I could get your number." You say: "Sure," because this guy/girl is the best looking thing you have seen since Steve Urkel transformed in to Stephon Ur-Kel. As a matter of fact this man/woman decides to treat you to a quick lunch at that very moment. You and this person talk that day and there are several things he/she mentions: they attend a church, they like kids, they would like to be married before they are 30, and they like the beach. So the impromptu date ends and you leave feeling like you have met a great guy/girl and can't want to talk with them again. Also your brain has picked out your wedding dress, what colors to coordinate with, the fact that you can reserve the Sheraton for the wedding and reception and that his last name sound good after your first name or that her first name sounds great with your last name. This leads to my point:
My pastor said something that I will have to inscribe to my heart. It was something to the effect of seeing a wife/husband in people who are only seasonal. Meaning don't be quick to think someone is the one when they are only there to teach you one simple thing that particular season. (I think Madea said the same thing). He went on to say some people are married to a seasonal person....All because you fell before you thought. I have done that...I know men do it too, it might not seem like it but they do, I mean they are the ones proposing in most cases....
I have grown up in the sense that I let people took a minute to learn...I am a person who when I feel it I feel it and it is already full blown and if I don't feel it I never will so you might as well stop trying. When I feel's a hard fall from that feeling. I discovered a longtime ago that I just can't deal with bullshyzer. If you are a hurting person who also likes to hurt in the process of your hurting, then as my girl Mariah said it: "It's a Wrap" and "Up out my face." Yeah sometimes the feeling lingers so I then I have to go to the other track on the Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel album called: H.A.T.E.U, as Mariah sings:
I can't wait to hate you
Make you pain like I do
Still can't shake you off
I can't wait to break through these emotional changes
Seems like such a lost cause
I can't wait to face you
Break you down so low there's no place left to go
I can't wait to hate you
oooh (hou, owh, owh, h.a.t.e. u.)
Make you pain like I do
Still can't shake you off
I can't wait to break through these emotional changes
Seems like such a lost cause
I can't wait to face you
Break you down so low there's no place left to go
I can't wait to hate you
oooh (hou, owh, owh, h.a.t.e. u.)
Actually I can use Mariah Carey to break down the whole affair starting with:
"Lover Boy"- Describes the awesome-newness of this dude/girl
"Honey"- How his/her love makes you feel
"Last Kiss"- When it's over
"We Belong Together"- when you miss them like crazy and you want to work it out
"Don't forget about us"- I was the best you ever had don't act like you don't know that chick ain't got nothing on me.
"H.A.T.E.U"- when you know you need to get over it.
"It's a wrap/Up out my face."- I'm over it leave me alone
The bonus track is "Deuces" by Chris Brown, that's when you really know that it is sooooo over. It's not Mariah, but it makes my point .
If we could keep ourselves from planning the wedding on the second date then we would save ourselves the heartache. If we could be real with ourselves and admit to the issues that the person we say we are in love have then we would be better off, meaning if there is something about this guy/girl that is foul to you, you might want to ease back and then finally off...just watch Cheaters and listen to all the quooky things men/women do/say in while cheating...not that that's the only cause of quooky things, but it gives good examples.
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