Monday, July 4, 2011

"On That Fourth Of July"

Fourth of July is probably my favorite holiday basically for the fireworks. Sure I have the American spirit and I also support our troops, but overall fireworks are the most fun. Even though this is my favorite I usually find myself a little depressed at this time ESPECIALLY with being single. Valentine’s Day and all the gooshy lovey dovey stuff is nothing to me. I mean I wish that I would get a valentine or have a secret admirer but I get over it and show my mom and brother love instead. For some reason Independence Day is the worst day to be alone.(Second to New Year’s and a the Kiss) I blame Mariah Carey. (Funny how I can fit her into like every blog) On her Butterfly album she has a song called Fourth of July. (FYI  the reason I like Mariah has to do with a friend of mine back in the 6th grade who moved away and I just took on that "fandum" and Butterfly came out right around this time) This song talks about young love on the Fourth of July, young innocent, virgin love, that is so sweet and tender enjoying America’s Independence Day. After experiencing this song I have wanted a night like this…I am not so young or innocent, but I still hope for this type of 4th and in all the “love” that I have ever had this day has yet to occur.

Going back I remember one 4th crying while I watched the fireworks with someone who I like to think of as insensitive. Really the problem was that I was expecting my Mariah Carey 4th of July with him instead of realizing he was not that kind of guy. One has to understand the holidays, not just Christmas, my birthday and Valentine’s Day, all holidays, are important to me and my family, so someone who comes from a family where holidays aren’t so important well that can be a strain. The last time I wasn’t single on the Fourth of July was back in 2009, but it wasn’t a Mariah Carey Fourth although it was young and dumb with silly on the side. I had fun but it didn’t have that magic that MC was talking about. 2010 comes along and I was single again…sorta…I am still floating on that “affair” to this day, but we didn’t have a Fourth of July,  we had a sweet summer evening complete with wine and a black n mild (did I mention it doesn’t take much to make me happy, I usually allow my imagination to do the rest HA!)

Now it is 2011 and I am along again…no Mariah Carey Fourth of July for me. I mean maybe this is a good thing. FOR ONE I refuse to give up on love, even if I have to be 35 when love finds me. (Yeah love has to find me because I am like standing here waiting HA! and I hope it is before 35 because after 35 I am just going to allow my body to dry and dissolve) SECONDLY, I hope to have a wonderful July 4th with someone I will have the rest of my July 4ths with one day. THIRDLY…I could do without a MC 4th considering in the song it rains on them in the end.

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