Thursday, February 6, 2020

Bad Investments and Wrong People

I had several “you’re kidding me” moments involving ”friends”. I was discussing this with my friend Jazmin (please see my post about Jaz) and she said: “You are just investing time into the wrong people. They aren’t necessarily the people who are going to be able to make you feel your best.”

That statement really helped me out.



It is important to have a good support system in place because everyone doesn’t always have the best intentions for you in your endeavors.

I learned many years ago that everyone isn’t a friend and even those who are nice to you, can’t always be trusted.

I often shield myself from such toxicity and insincerity.

I realize I need to do two things:
 -Develop thicker skin
 -Recognize when I should retreat

And by retreat I don’t mean run away from a battle, I mean knowing how to pick and choose a battle, as in when do I need to just do me and when do I need to explain myself. As I am an adult I really don’t need to explain myself and if I am ok with whatever actions I take or way that I feel or decision I make I don’t have to explain because I am happy with myself.

I am very happy with who I am and what I do and the only time I question that is when others question me about it, because there is a difference of opinion.

Let me add that aside from thicker skin I need to recognize what advice or opinion I should consider and what is just fluff that I shouldn’t receive. AGAIN... People don’t always have the best intentions when giving you advice.

I am 36 years old today. My path is my path, has it been the traditional path... not exactly ... am I still GREAT... YUP! Do I have a few hardships deal with and wild ideas about how to accomplish goals...YUP!!!

DON’T GET ME WRONG... I am hoping to meet and get to know other people in the future. I know that more positive energy and good hearts are on the way into my life because that is what I ask God for and also I ask to continue to have the discernment to recognize negative energy.

Am I excited about the rest of my life... YES!! I am excited. I do big things and I don’t give myself enough credit. So let’s review....

Things to do:
-Develop thicker skin
-Pick and Choose my battles wisely
-Pick and Choose the best advice/opinion (people don’t alway have the best intentions)
-Stay on my path
-Start appreciating myself for all the great things I do
-Show love to the people who I KNOW got my back
-Praise God for all the talent and strength that he gave me to make it through this LIFE.



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