Thursday, February 28, 2013

Sleepless nights....

Ugh...student teaching is ruining my is Lexington Comic and Toy Con. SMH! 

Ok so those things really aren't but I am still awake for two reasons, I really really really should be reviewing and printing my lesson plans for tomorrows sort of random a$$ informal observation. Obviously I am not doing that. And my mind is so like crazy about Lexington which is like coming up and my facebook friend who are going are talking all about it and the panels and rangers etc etc etc. I am like OMG, system over load over load over load...and it is just a matter of time and I am going to shut down....BUT I can't!!! I can't let my excitement ruin me. AND not only is getting closer to LEX BUT umm yeah LEX is right in the middle of getting closer and closer to the end of Student Teaching.... Graduation in May how about that!!! LOL!!! WOW!!! That is crazy!!! The difference between this graduation and Howard's graduation is I am actually READY to graduated. I was not ready when I graduated from HU. OMG!!! But now I am!!!! VERY MUCH SO!!!! Can you tell I am hype??  EXCITED anxiety is like the worst. I never know how this observations are gonna go...I just thank God that he has be with me through all of this, because I couldn't be doing it on my own. Because I have excelled everytime. Anyway this is just a short not to get some of this stuff off my mind. I need to get this stuff printed and make sure that I have it all together!!! 

IT'S CRUNCH TIME!!!!!!!!!!!

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