I was surprised to see how many people are excited to 2010 be apart of the past and 2011 be apart of the present - future. I don’t really agree with odd numbers and 2010 wasn’t like totally bad, (please see my 2007 to understand what bad is…), but I guess I should be excited for a new beginning also. Now, I don’t always make resolutions, because they tend to be hard to keep, but this year I think I have a few.
1.) Something that I thought of recently was skincare and using Witch Hazel, which is like an astringent. It has a pretty awful smell, but it is really good for your skin. I was using it just about everyday and then I just stopped. Well recently it seems like my skin has decided to go on a rampage and what’s worse…I am a squeezer…I know, I know it’s wrong. Anyway I decided I will buy another bottle and begin a daily/nightly routine of using Witch Hazel for 365 days/nights and see if it makes a difference. I am pretty sure that it will because when I was using it my skin was doing pretty good.
2.) Now I set my mind to it and I wrote a “book”. I proved to myself I could do it and now I need to prove to myself that I can carry out the next steps, which include editing and sending queries to publishers and I should do this before 2012.
3.) Fix my prayer life. Prayer and loving Jesus shouldn’t coincide with the times that everything seem to be going wrong, so if I haven’t prayed in a month, because everything has been kosher, I don’t think it is right for me to pray when everything is not so great. (Although overall I should) It is sort of difficult to live according to God if you don’t pray, which Prayer is what he answers, so I will need to fix that ASAP.
4.) Once my Prayer Life is back on track I will be praying on the steps I should be taking next as far as teaching goes and being that it could take a minute before I am certified I might want to apply for a para- position as I am working towards teaching, but I am still wondering if working in education is something I really want to do, therefore I need to pray about it.
5.) Although my first step is to pray about it, I will take the Praxis I, which is a step towards becoming a teacher (or entering a teaching program)…I am going to sign up for April’s test date. PERIOD! I plan to pass it.
6.) My friend went natural a while ago, and it’s cute, but please know that my resolution is not to go natural. Indeed not, I need a relaxer and there are no ifs and buts about it, but I do need to take better care of my hair. I sleep on my hair with out wrapping it, I don’t wash it like I should and the older I get the lazier I am about it; clearly the key to good hair care is washing at least every two weeks. This just happens to be easier in the summer because it’s not as cold. (Oh for non-African American readers, caring for African American hair is a tad different from others). I am always afraid I will get sick if I wash my hair frequently, not to mention how difficult it is for me to blow dry and flat iron, my thick fairly long hair. I prefer air dry, especially in the summer, but that style tends to be just as harsh as sleeping on it, so I’ll have to be like Nike and JUST DO IT.
7.) With that being said I also plan on getting a haircut…not drastic like a bob, but hopefully enough that someone can tell it was cut…OH YEAH… I am so ready for a change like this J
8.) Going back to trying to be a better person, I have decided to walk away from arguments. I have concluded that the more you talk in an argument the more you either look ignorant or say things that just make it worst. It is like I tell dudes…I’m not in to BS, so as an argument gets ready to travel to the BS level of furious-ness, I will just stop. Hopefully, I just won’t say anything and just let whoever it is win. I know that sounds push over-ish, but getting angry and raising your blood pressure is not worth it. I will pick and choose battles….DONE!
9.) Lighten up (this is a toughie for me) I am a drama queen and extra sensitive (which is why number eight is in place). This is a fact that I try to hide, because people try to hurt others because THEY have chips on their shoulders or when they are jealous. This sort of goes with arguments except that instead of walking away, I’ll laugh it off.
10.) To go along with number nine, I will lighten up and live life to the fullest. I think that this is a resolution that I make almost every year and it seems like I never really fully accomplish this feat. Every birthday I say to myself this will be the year that I will live a little and I never do…I never make my experience, I feel like I allow others to make it for me. I don’t want to give up my dreams, goals, and wishes, like love and family, yet I feel like those dreams stay on my shoulders. I feel like I put my life on a timer and I am watching it tic away as I just sit around and let it go by, and I don’t want to do that anymore. This is not “Sex in the City”, but damn if it is, Stranded in the Desert, or Death in Dover, or Kansas in black in white oppose to the Land of OZ in full techni-color, if you catch my drift. I am not Sarah Jessica Parker’s character or better yet that old cougar friend character, but I do want to live in color.
*Side Note: Ummm, I guess a quiet evening at home is not a good start to this Resolution...LOL*
I am just not going to lose MYSELF as I try to live like that…So I have got to find a happy medium. (I say this because many people act like in order to have fun you have to lose morals and principles or standards, and I refuse.)
We are always trying to make a better self and New Year’s Day gives us a date that we should start, the first day of the year is the best time to proclaim that we will start something new during a new year. Now what I hope is that whatever the resolution (s) is/are can become a habit(s) of life.
2010…9…8…7…6…5…4…3…2…2011 <that’s silly huh>