Wednesday, January 1, 2020

5 Dream Destinations

First I finished the 30 Day Challenge so click if you want to check that out and I did a Decade review too!

We are now living in 2020!!!
2020 ... Perfect Vision... We can only try. In the mean time I am ready to continue living my life. I have travel plans, but they are all within the USA. I am very fortunate to be able to travel with my line sisters to Florida in January. We are celebrating 5 years of being women of Alpha Kappa Alpha. Its also like a week before my BDay so I am counting it as a birthday celebration too. Then in March I will be traveling to Connecticut for NARC (The North Atlantic Regional Conference) this is a sorority trip again. I am excited. I feel like I learn so much, not just for the Sorority, but to also use in my life. I look forward to it, I have never been to Connecticut. Unfortunately, its going to be cold. Next will be BOULE in July. This is when members of Alpha Kappa Alpha from all chapters, all over the world join together. You don’t just learn about being in the sorority, but you meet other “sisters” and let’s be honest the MERCH!!!  What girl doesn’t love to shop. That trip will be in Philly which is super close. LASTLY (well so far) MORPHICON!!!! Back in Pasadena. What is Morphicon? A Power Ranger convention. It’s going to be hilarious because my brain is going to be wired in PINK and GREEN, but after Morphicon I will legit be the PINK ranger for the rest of the Year. 

Unfortunately those trips aren’t my DREAM destinations, BUT I think I will list the places that are and maybe sometime I can put a plan in place to travel to my dream destinations. 

1.) South Korea 
I am not even going to act like this isn’t stop number one. Sometimes I get down on myself because its like do you really want to see South Korea or do you want to see Jun. K? How about both... I was once inspired by a picture of a black women at the Gyeongbok Palace.
At the end of the day I need to just go and get it out of my system (as if it would suddenly be out of my heart). I also left this wide open because sure the Palace is in Seoul, but I will HAVE to take a train to Busan, and I have to see Jeju.  
2.) Japan
Originally Japan was the spot I had to get to, I mean there is a museum dedicated to Super Sentai and Mask Man. I need that kind of a place in my life. BUT then 2pm taught me about Okinawa, which is so beautiful. It seems like if I am going to see Jun. K it will be in concert and more than likely that concert is going to be in Japan. So LET’S GO!!! 

3.) Philippines 
So if my plan with Jun. K doesn’t work then its off the the Philippines to get a 90 day fiancĂ©. I am slightly serious. I could appreciate a nice Filipino gentleman. 

4. Thailand 
I really Really REALLY wanted to go to Thailand, but I feel like its a bit saturated... in other words it has become the Cancun Spring Break of travel. They are really keen on tourism tho and I mean its beautiful there so I can’t knock it, but it also looks like the trip I need to take with a spouse or a significant other. So I guess after I bag Jun. K he will need to take me to Thailand, so we can stay at Nichkhun’s house (OMG his home is gorgeous). Even Jun. K might say, I’ve been there can we go somewhere else... and then I would say do you mean...

5. New Caledonia 
Sweet Baby Jesus ‘Boys Over Flowers’ left the biggest impression on me. When they traveled to New Caledonia I LOST IT!!!  I don’t even know where it’s located on the globe (and I have looked but never remember) but every now and then just to feel cultured and rich I ask Alexa: “What’s the weather in New Caledonia?” To me that should be the new trendy trip. I don’t know why no one has caught on to this one. Or maybe this one is played out and I am the one who doesn’t know LOL!! 

So Basically I want the Tour of Asia Special. Now if I were RICH RICH I would grab Kass, fly to Turkey grab Eylul and we would hit those spots together... I am 100% sure we would get stuck in Seoul and by stuck I mean arrested. 



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