I have indulged in KDrama (Korean Soap Operas) . I was certain that it was the best thing since sliced bread and you know what I still think they are pretty cool, but...after watching the Mischievous Kiss: Love in Tokyo (Japanese Drama) I and feeling like I don't need to continue watching. Soap Operas/Romances/Romance Novels have the same on going theme, there is a girl who loves a boy, the boy doesn't give her the time of day and after a series of ridiculous situation the boy finds that he is madly in love with the girl and they marry. THE END (Or it can be a boy who is in love with the girl who is oblivious)
First lets understand me...I am not one for the Romance Genre, I think it is BULL, a load of crap! And that is quite hilarious since once upon a time I use to write romance. (what is now known as fan fiction) The problem I had with them is the emotion that comes with watching, the happiness, the anger, the sad the suspense. I really don't deal with suspense well at all. Oh you know when the evil mom has the girl kidnapped and we are waiting for the hero(s) to came and save her and its like the clock is ticking and just before it gets to 1 here they are to save the day. I just don't like suspense like that....
But then I found Korean Dramas, and I found Flower Boy Ramen Shop...a Romantic Comedy. I could relate to the character because she was becoming a school teacher, BUT she ends up having issues with one of the male students who also happens to be the son of the president of one of the biggest companies in Korea. Cha Chi Soo and his arrogance to go with his dramatic effect/charisma was sooo awesome! I found myself watching and watching. Through a twists and turns the "student intern" and the rich Cha Chi Soo fall in love only to be told by the rich Cha enterprise president that they should be together, they didn't listen and the girl gets the boy and vice versa.
I needed MORE of Cha Chi Soo so I found another drama with Il Jung Woo and watched it, The Moon Embraces the Sun, and that one was awesome same theme, but historical romance drama with everything from a dead would be princess to a returned back to life would be princess, who was in love with the heir to the throne and long story short becomes wife to the king...happy ending. Then Answer Me 1997, this time I got away from Il Jung Woo, and watched from a suggestion. Then 49 Days, When a Man Loves, BOYS OVER FLOWERS (EPIC) and finally I just finished Mischievous Kiss and it is was at this point that I found myself to be over the Drama.
Maybe its because I didn't get a chance to watch it everyday, for hours at a time because they were being uploaded each week or maybe the ending was just too perfect I am not sure, but it made me a little upset.
Overall its probably my own wants and needs interfering with the fantasy aspect of the shows. Or maybe it is just the idea that nothing not even love comes easy. Because for 15 episodes homegirl loved dude even when dude was cold and about to marry someone else, and then on episode 16 all of a sudden like a bolt of lighting the boy admits to loving the girl and a marriage ensues.
The probablem I have is from experience I don't care how much you love a person if it doesn't happen it won't and if its not supposed to happen then it won't. In American Romance we would have made the girl who loves the one guy get with the the other guy while the guy she loves marries the other girl and then bring the two back together to have an affair. But then that is the difference between American Drama and K/J Drama. Our shows almost never stop after one season. Theirs stop at episode 16 or 20 and it ends. There is a plan clear cut ending and someone always gets what they wanted from the beginning.
As much as I love the Asian in me from a past life I don't want to lose my edge by watching dramas that are cookie cutter.
Sunday, April 20, 2014
I've Come Down with Bad Case of Yellow Fever...and its OK!
I love black men, I love white men, I love Spanish men, AND I love Asian men…
What’s wrong with loving our Asian brothers? Yea…. I’m not
sure, but I do know that for whatever reason albeit discrimination, racism, or
misconceptions; black and Asian love has been taboo. Even with this taboo recently I have seen and
used #yellowfever quite a bit recently.
According to urban dictionary: “When non-Asian guys have a strong preference or fetish for women of Asian descent. These men exclusively date Asian women. They also learn an Asian language and travel to Asian countries, attempting to find a wife. Like the real disease, there is no cure.”
LOL!!!!!! Urban Dictionary is hilarious and even though it only refers to men let me just say I know how to say Hello in Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Thai, and Tagalog (Filipino). I am teaching myself Korean including Hangul to the best of my ability.
Taboo, K Drama and Admitting the Problem (Is it really a problem though?)
"Look mom Chinese people." Yeah I've said that a few times as a child. But in Dover, Delaware back in the late 80's early 90's you just didn't see Asian people like that around here. Or maybe I was just sheltered. I remember there was a little Filipino boy that lived down the street, but at the time he was just Jon. Then my first crush looked like:Needless to say he was black and Asian. From there I put my love for the "chinky" eye aside. Not just because there weren't many to choose from, but from what we get taught as we get older, like the main assumption: "Asians don't like blacks." The movie Menace II Society took that to a crazy level.
Then there are all the other assumptions that fall into place in misguided people like: "Asians are nerds." "Asian men have small penises." Then there are the ones I have come up with on my own like: "Asian dude doesn't like black girls." "Ok he does like black girls but I am not "black enough."" Or maybe: "Since he was the top of his Doctoral class and is now an engineer, doctor, scientist, professor of some smart people stuff why would he be interested in me." The worst one is: "They are communist." (Damn communist tho?)
THANK GOD FOR THE INTERNET...(even tho I also found the crazy mess smh)
...which has taught me most of our (and my) assumptions are wrong. Its not that Asians don't like blacks it just that like any other race they are fed the same stereotypical/generalized BULL that others are fed and have come up with their own assumptions. PLUS traditions from the "motherland." Its also a matter of differences. Just as I did as a child there had to have been an Asian kid who said: "Look mom, black people." ( Please read ridiculousness here Why do Asian People Love White People but hate Black People?) Also: http://www.brittneyhood.com/kenneth-eng-why-i-hate-blacks/http://askakorean.blogspot.com/2007/03/cant-we-all-just-get-along.html
Believe it or not, all Asians are not nerds. Well... it seems that basically they are pushed to be the best academically and they are into some things that one can identify as nerd -ish, but lately the "nerd" aspect slowly goes away as they grow (just as we all grow) once they go out and see the world and learn more about themselves. Like I said we all make that pilgrimage.
Small Pee Pee's huh? Who started this rumor? I want to know who started the small penis thing. I feel like this rumor alone has cockblocked a- many -a Asian man. Ok so I averaged it out between 5 different Asian countries and scientifically/mathematically this could be true. SMH... The average of the five different countries was 4.2 inches and I don't know if this is while flacid or erect. If while erect than...all I can say is the average size in the USA is 5.1 so I mean.... BUT at any rate the internet/instagram taught me that the penis stuff is all a myth and you may be pleasantly surprised.... just like I was surprised to find a Chinese dude in Kentucky who was ok with dating black, white... ETC...(I happen to believe Chinese are the most "conservative" so this was new to me).
Regardless of any race I date, I worry that I am not "black enough" and that includes skin pigmentation and let's face it, an Asian dude recently told me he thought I was Asian and lets not forget all the Spanish guys who think that I am Spanish. SMH.... In those cases... Hola...Nihao! LOL!!! I also worry about things like hair differences and some cultural differences. (Like remember to take off my shoes)
The last two scenarios, well one is from my own insecurities (of not being smart enough even though I work really hard to try to learn alot all the time, just not to be a doctor) and the other is from reading books based on the 1930's-1960's. I really shouldn't worry about communism but its one of the scary words the government has taught Americans to be afraid of....
Like I said the internet has helped with all my misconceptions, but I wouldn't have even done the research if it hadn't of been for K. Drama. Yes Korean Drama. It got me. Like all the way. (and kpop)
And with it I was finally able to say: "Hey he's hot!" And not feel "a way".
![]() |
Jonathan Stanton like YASSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! |
Let's not front and act like black folks don't have a position on this situation because in all honesty as the Black girl in the situation I am the one getting the flack about it from my peers. Like when I showed a friend a pic of an Asian dude I found attractive; her response: "How do you find that attractive?" or others turning their nose up. Even though black men seem to love Asian women, I find some black dudes jeer a little about black girls and Asian guys like: "why would you be with him, what can he do for you?" I actually had a guy act as if he had nothing to worry about when it came to an Asian guy and him because he thought HE was so much more good looking than the an Asian guy. HA! SMH... as if the Asian guy was not or could not be attractive to me. (That was just dumb.)"We are all people, why limit yourself?"

And can we not look at these couples like there is something wrong... I thought that most of us were over the interracial dating thing. As many cream babies that are in the schools I really thought interracial dating wasn't such a big deal and the way people LOVE "blasian" babies, BUT the memes on Instagram tell me other wise...there is a whole, as I like to call it "underworld" of Black girls who love Asian men AND Asian men who LOVE black girls...
One day maybe we will stop being caught up on dumb stuff, maybe one day we will have open hearts, maybe one day we will open ourselves to learning about one another and maybe I am just a dreamer. At the end of the day whether a black man sweeps me off my feet or a polka dotted man I just KNOW he better treat me like I ought to be treated and love me as I should be loved and in return I'll love him in the way he needs to be loved.... (another blog for another day)....
PS: It seems that "yellow fever" is a term really frowned upon. I don't agree with fetishizing a race or any other things. I don't fetishize Asians I simply find Asian men attractive.
Saturday, April 5, 2014
Girl Next Door...She's not that bad....

Comic Cons/Anime Cons both have ridiculous amounts of skin and are sexual in nature as well. Apparently we like our female superheros showing skin and cosplayers probably cause many boners throughout the day at a con. LOL!!!

Its much worst actually as the Koreans are super into their skin care and skin products, the girls are gorgeous as they are "exotic" and WAY skinny... the boys are prettier than the girls. So now I am feeling intimidated as well...
Speaking of intimidation.... because for whatever reason men (and woman) are living in gyms and guys are looking like:
Leaving me to feel like with my flab I am so not worthy....
I have two male friends who helped me realize that I am awesome as myself "Princess DD of DE" and that I don't have to be all of the above. First, the best compliment I have ever received in my life paraphrased: Independently I am happy/ able to be happy without the influence of another person. Something about that made me feel awesome, I guess because one of my fears is that the next time I am in a relationship I will lose myself in that person instead of having a balance of me and them. This same friend said that I was "one of a kind." I live to be unique so I guess I am doing something right.
These were both comments made after only a brief time together, which is amazing because I have never really known what other people see in me upon meeting me. At least I gave this particular guy the right vibes. Well I do believe that I was COMPLETELY myself with this person, I was actually really comfortable with them...hmmm.... anyway (no time to day dream I spend way too much time doing that anyway) another friend of mine explained to me that I had the beauty (and I suppose personality) as the girl next door. It's kind of funny be he is the Sam to my Clarissa (wow that is a throwback but explains it so well) he said in so many words that he has gotten tired of all the girls that look "airbrushed" (for lack of a better word in an ironic twist). I was venting to him about how I've never understood my face. I have never understood why I look the way that I look. I don't think that I am ugly (at least not the way I did as a kid) but I know I am not Beyonce (even if people say so). He said that the appeal of my look is that I am like the girl next door...as in I am that "around the way girl". I am a type of beauty that although regular, a breath of fresh air in the world that gives us so many girls who are made up and over all fake. I guess I should take the fact that so many people say that I look anywhere between 16 and 22 years old into consideration LOL!! Too many times I have been confused by school faculty to be a student. I don't wear make-up as in foundation and the whole nine yards. (I wear eyeliner, mascara, eyeshadow on special occasions, lipstick everyday) so when I am natural I look like:

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