Sunday, April 20, 2014

Ironically I started a KDrama blog...

I have indulged in KDrama (Korean Soap Operas) . I was certain that it was the best thing since sliced bread and you know what I still think they are pretty cool, but...after watching the Mischievous Kiss: Love in Tokyo (Japanese Drama) I and feeling like I don't need to continue watching. Soap Operas/Romances/Romance Novels have the same on going theme, there is a girl who loves a boy, the boy doesn't give her the time of day and after a series of ridiculous situation the boy finds that he is madly in love with the girl and they marry. THE END (Or it can be a boy who is in love with the girl who is oblivious)
First lets understand me...I am not one for the Romance Genre, I think it is BULL, a load of crap! And that is quite hilarious since once upon a time I use to write romance. (what is now known as fan fiction) The problem I had with them is the emotion that comes with watching, the happiness, the anger, the sad the suspense. I really don't deal with suspense well at all. Oh you know when the evil mom has the girl kidnapped and we are waiting for the hero(s) to came and save her and its like the clock is ticking and just before it gets to 1 here they are to save the day. I just don't like suspense like that....
But then I found Korean Dramas, and I found Flower Boy Ramen Shop...a Romantic Comedy. I could relate to the character because she was becoming a school teacher, BUT she ends up having issues with one of the male students who also happens to be the son of the president of one of the biggest companies in Korea. Cha Chi Soo and his arrogance to go with his dramatic effect/charisma was sooo awesome!  I found myself watching and watching. Through a twists and turns the "student intern" and the rich Cha Chi Soo fall in love only to be told by the rich Cha enterprise president that they should be together, they didn't listen and the girl gets the boy and vice versa.
I needed MORE of Cha Chi Soo so I found another drama with Il Jung Woo and watched it, The Moon Embraces the Sun, and that one was awesome same theme, but historical romance drama with everything from a dead would be princess to a returned back to life would be princess, who was in love with the heir to the throne and long story short becomes wife to the king...happy ending. Then Answer Me 1997, this time I got away from Il Jung Woo, and watched from a suggestion. Then 49 Days, When a Man Loves, BOYS OVER FLOWERS (EPIC) and finally I just finished Mischievous Kiss and it is was at this point that I found myself to be over the Drama.
Maybe its because I didn't get a chance to watch it everyday, for hours at a time because they were being uploaded each week or maybe the ending was just too perfect I am not sure, but it made me a little upset.
Overall its probably my own wants and needs interfering with the fantasy aspect of the shows. Or maybe it is just the idea that nothing not even love comes easy. Because for 15 episodes homegirl loved dude even when dude was cold and about to marry someone else, and then on episode 16 all of a sudden like a bolt of lighting the boy admits to loving the girl and a marriage ensues.
The probablem I have is from experience I don't care how much you love a person if it doesn't happen it won't and if its not supposed to happen then it won't. In American Romance we would have made the girl who loves the one guy get with the the other guy while the guy she loves marries the other girl and then bring the two back together to have an affair. But then that is the difference between American Drama and K/J Drama. Our shows almost never stop after one season. Theirs stop at episode 16 or 20 and it ends. There is a plan clear cut ending and someone always gets what they wanted from the beginning.
As much as I love the Asian in me from a past life I don't want to lose my edge by watching dramas that are cookie cutter.   

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