Tuesday, January 1, 2013

It's Only Just Begun....

January 1, 2013...I will be taking one of the last steps in the process of becoming a teacher. I will be student teaching....

Now some out there who may have already did the whole student teaching thing may think that its not that serious, oh but it is. I am nervous. I mean I am so close to having my own classroom and I don't work in the "general" population. I work with students who are "exceptional" usually referred to as Special Ed. Children with disabilities. There are already MANY laws regarding education but in Special Education there is a law spells out every little thing from categorizing their disability to ensuring they will have a transition from high-school to the real world. 

As student teaching approached I had been asking myself "what did I get myself into?" 

I will be trying to learn everything that I possibly can and hope that I don't lose myself in the mix AND I have to be structured to keep myself in check because I am a Queen at bullsh*ting minutes, and hours away smh. (There is some homework involved, lesson plans, journals...etc) 

Under the nervous is excitement. EXCITEMENT to be FINISHED with school. WHEW! 
I am surprised in myself because when I started it I wasn't expecting to be happy about teaching, I wasn't expecting myself to like kids, I really didn't expect to even get started in the program, but as I have stated before somewhere in this blog I know that it has to be God's plan for me because I am getting through it as if I am floating, making GOOD grades all the way through and ALL doors have been open. I have worked with professionals that prior to me working with them I am giving an earful about how they are the worst, "oh she is this", "he is this"...and anyone I have encountered has been AWESOME! People who everyone else said that the people have worked against them have all worked in my favor. First real job that i got as I started my professional career was someone who dogged me in middle school and guess what although I would never consider us friends we worked together and it was fine. It all just let's me know that God is there. Even when I did face adversity with a co-worker, God was there helping me to stay calm and relaxed to just keep going. I am just glad other people could see she was at fault. 

Now I will be a "student intern" and I already know God is there, because my placement was worked out with my principal, the teacher or the year, and my student intern supervisor is the same lady who did my practicum visit and I LOVE HER!! LOL because she made me feel at ease! And remember its GOD, when I did my practicum, I told her I worked in the other classroom and told her my teachers name and she said "OH (insert name here) is my friend!"  That is another link.  

Now my nerves are getting in the way, but I already know favor is over me in this situation as it has been and I know I will be successful. I just gotta work HARD! (you know me and working hard ain't eva been friends)

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