Thursday, May 10, 2012

End of Twenties bucket list...

So if you're my facebook friend then you might have  noticed I have been on a Mighty Morphin Adventure. Some people get it others not so much and that's ok. I am who I am and I can't be anyone that I am not...(always writing poetry).  One thing that I always wanted to do was go to a Morphicon, which is essentially a power ranger convention, geek much? On a recent trip to the bathroom A.K.A the thinking room, I started thinking about this wish and other things I want to do. Bucket list, but I don't plan on dying anytime soon, BUT I will be 30 SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON, so how about an End of Twenty something bucket list. Unfortunately I have what's left of this year and next year to try to complete everything now I better think of things to do....

1.) MMPR/Anime Convention-
I HAVE to go to one....I know, I know, you liked the power rangers when you were like 12 and never looked back, you didn't even know Tommy the green/white ranger was also the red zeo/turbo ranger and came back as Dr. Tommy Oliver in 2004 to work on Power Rangers Dino Thunder as the black ranger, but I did look back and I also found out that there is a whole underworld of MMPR fans, who still adore MMPR like being 12 was just yesterday. This is something I could push away, push out of my mind and ignore, but everytime Haim Saban creates another set of rangers I would feel it I would hear it in my mind. And whenever Jason David Frank's (Tommy) powers fade for good as in death, I would be heartbroken in the fact that I never got to see him in person. (the way I felt when Dick Clark died and I never experienced a Clark New Year in NY)

2.) Singing for real, in front of real people-
Someone: "Do you sing?"
Me: "uh, i try."
My brain: "Yes, sing sing sing."
My stage fright: "don't you might mess up."

The inner struggles of myself. You know it only takes one tramatic experience to ruin all future endeavours. One moment when you didn't know the lyrics to the song Weak, by SWV and was once again dubbed as a non-african american...smh. I am not going to sit here and be like oh yeah I can sing, but I think I have an ok voice. Ok enough that I would sing in front of an audience, why do I continue to say I would do it but I haven't...scaredy a matter of fact what I would LOVE to do is go to an open mic night, with my flute, play something and sing. I am definitely bad at the flute, but i could practice and sound decent enough. Although my fear of playing that thing in front of people is worst than that of singing in front of people.

3.) Tatted
This one is a hard one to pull off, because I don't know if I want to be so permanant. Eventually chicas without tats will be hard to come by, I would be one of those chicas, yet I feel like a tat is one of those coming to age things that we all must go through. I may be wrong. All I know is I have wanted a tat for at least 4 years now and there is no real reason why I should not get one.

4.) Fly in an airplane-
Yes I am being so sincere when I say I have never been in an airplane...wait I take that back I have been in the back of a C5 on DAFB during an air show or something, but I have never been an in airplane as it is in the sky. Of course if I accomplish number one then I would accomplish #4 as well.

5.) Get professional pictures of myself-
I am not talking about a passport photo...I have always wanted to have pics taken of me either on the beach or against a brick wall somewhere, something where I am looking fierce, something where the lighting is right and the the outfit is right and the hair is right and someone other than myself is taking the picture.

Yeah this list is weak so maybe:

6.) haha, meaning you only live once so I should live, I should do things. The sad thing is this is the reason I started this blog and I have not YOLOed outside of the freaking mall....smh. YOLOing in the mall is when you buy something over budget and your excuse is YOLO. Other ideas:

               *audition for a play
               *bungee jump
               * move out on my own
Anything else???

SMH at the highlight of this list being to meet MMPR.... I told you This is not sex in the city.....

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