The internet has been littered with memes of the cursed 2016. Its been like tragedy after tragedy, death after death...a horrible election/results. 2016 insists on continuing to cause destruction...we thought nothing more can happen after this election, but it has.... I could feel it coming.... I didn't know what it would be but I could feel it.
I usually try to stay positive and if I don't see a positive I stay quiet (unless it's about Trump or Kpop I can be very vocal). I like to have a positive message because if there are any ears listening or eyes watching then they will say... Dani said...Danielle said... Princess of DE said...that hope is not lost and we will make it. But as God would have it...
An unexpected death occurred and I can't really say unexcepted because you really don't know the time or place, but it was unexpected in a side swipe kind of way.
My Aunt became ill, took a turn for the worst and passed away on December 17, in this ill-fated year of 2016. Dealing with death and the feelings that occur with it is a difficult process. It is like the phrase, "I don't know if I'm coming or going." Because I am me I have to be invincible. No breaking down, "God won't put you through what you can't handle." Happy laughing, Angry Yelling, Worried No sleep, Awake, exhausted. face is wet...I said no tears. I could see it happening in my mom, her big sister died. She was grieving for real...but mine was inside. My mom took her time off...that was smart...I didn't that was dumb... but I carry a lot on my shoulders, my students me, my mom needs...and I can't break down...WHO AM I? I am Champion....
Thank GOD, my mind is flooded with good memories...mornings in the kitchen drinking coffee at age 6 (she gave all the kids their first taste of coffee), afternoon watching the stories (Soap Operas) drinking pepsi, walking the path to her house from grandma's house, she had Nintendo delivered I'd assume for my cousins, but she was so excited seemed like it was for herself, those Encyclopedias that I just enjoyed looking at (not the inside of them the outside...the numbers... yall know I am different books are pretty) her excitement about Luther Vandross, her excitement about my excitement about Michael Jackson, birthday calls ...growing up and still being "Strawberry Short Cake" who had "bad a$$" boots, that she was going to order for herself too and she did... and Christmas Days when my mom had to figure out which gift would be my aunt's Christmas gift and which would be her Birthday gift...which leads to my point...
The Hardest Christmas...Christmas Day is my Aunt's Birthday. This whole season has been hard on my family.... I have stayed quiet just because like I said I don't talk about my anger or sadness or worries because to harp on such is not for the greater good of any of us, but I have, to be honest with myself and say this has been a difficult time. I have held it together because I have responsibilities...time continues and my mom is strength is for her. This to shall pass... and as hard as it will be Christmas 2016 will be just like the Whoville Christmas in "How the Grinch Stole Christmas." The devil can come in the night to try to steal our joy, but we will wake up with smiles on our faces singing the Mariah Carey version of "Joy To the World" totally undefeated pissing the devil all the way off.
My current image and hope for the spirit of my Aunt are to be hand in hand with my Grandma, my other Aunt while others we have lost are welcoming her to heaven. You think God is throwing a birthday celebration for Jesus the ultimate Christmas baby and all the other Christmas babies...
Please, people, all hope is not lost and we have almost made it to the end of 2016...God has given us grace and mercy, we may have lost a few but remember their suffering is no more... If God took them they have a greater purpose now...and our purpose is to live and praise God until it is our turn. PLEASE be a Whoville and if you feel like a Grinch has stolen your Christmas sing for joy anyway...don't give the devil the opportunity to think that you are down and out... God willing I will see you in the New Year!!!!