Sunday, September 11, 2016

Never Forget...

As a senior in high school when the events of 9/11 occurred I watched in English in a strange awe of seeing airplanes crash into the towers, my immediate thoughts went into my dreams and aspirations of wanting to work there one day, it wasn't until that evening and watching it all night and seeing people jumping for their lives that I started to realize people were/had dying/died... each
year since that day my sensitivities of the events have grown more and more...and I know that, just like my grandmother's memory of Pearl Harbor, and the fear my mom describes of the Soviets  when she was little, and the sound of my dad's voice when he described events of MLK'S assassination and later the sounds of guns and bombs in the distance when he was in Kuwait, Uncle's who remember Vietnam...when I go to tell my children about this day, it will be a time when they will see their mother kind of squirm looking for the words to explain such a horrific situation to occur in her lifetime. I think what I want them to take away from everything is the unification that America made quickly after the attacks, and even though currently we are at odds within this country now, I really want them to see how at that time we all held hands, as one race....under the Star Spangled Banner we were one.....I hope we can get back to that without another catastrophic event occurring.... 
Never Forget....

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