Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Allow me to reintroduce myself…

…because I am not new to the whole blogging thing. I wanted to depart from Myspace and try to work on a blog a bit more professionally. (My idea of professional, which actually means I have to step my writing game up.)
In the past my blog was quite random. If I was dealing with a love crisis I would blog about that, if I was trying to be motivational I would blog and include scriptures, or if one of my favorite artists dropped a new album I would basically write a review. Somehow I will mesh all of that and become a little bit less random at the same time.
What I really want to bring to this blog is a look at a woman (ME) in her mid-twenties getting closer to thirty everyday, who is seeking full-time employment, would like to be happily married at some point or at living on her own, and to be a mother before entering her mid-thirties, while seeking Christ and to make all other dreams come true, before she dies; as she watches everyone else do all of the above twice.
“This Is NOT Sex In The City”, I don’t live lavishly, yet I am a Princess (the Princess of Delaware in fact), I am still at home, but I don’t have much choice, I have a degree in Journalism, but I am a Creative Writer, I have been trying to get a better job for about four years now, but I’m not complaining about my current position as a Library Assistant at a local college. I have been in serious relationships but I think I was the only one who was serious and sometimes I question just how serious. What sucks is as time progresses it seems like guys get worst in the fact that they are all losing their traditional values/beliefs, or are wanting to get married at an older age (even though you can turn 65 and still be immature or unable to commit), which causes a problem for someone like me who has very strong traditional values/beliefs. I’d like to be married and then have a child, but the older I get the more concern I have for my health and the baby’s. (FYI: raising a puppy is similar to raising a baby, they have similar needs, one just has four legs, LOL.) I get to thinking, Geesh I should just have one by myself (taking applications for sperm donors…j/k). My biological clock is ticking harder than a grandfather clock. It’s like I am racing with several clocks and I get close to the finish line and then some how it moves further away from me.
That is where God comes in, because as I try to live with all of the disappointments in life, Jesus keeps me upright and not fallen into a web of sorrow. If I have yet to die, if I have had such a struggle, yet I keep on going God has something he wants me to do and that is why I add scripture, because maybe my problems, revelations and solutions will help someone else and I can please God too. I can come off preachery, but the message is usually something I need to hear to fill my heart back up.
All in all I hope that in the end I find a way to just be totally content in what ever life has for me. If I get all the things I want great, if I don’t well….

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