Saturday, January 8, 2011

Happy Hour...Say What?

I have been off for like two weeks. Colleges don’t usually start the second semester until a week or so after New Year’s and therefore I don’t return to work until then (well this year was sort of screwed up) so I have had a lot of time to do what ever. One evening I was talking to my friend as we usually talk when he gets off and he asked: 

“So what you do today?”

I said: “Nothing, some laundry, but nothing really.” 

His response: “You didn’t do anything? You could have gone to a happy hour.” 

“Why would I do that? Why the **** would I be going to a happy hour?” I asked as I began to get upset because clearly I like this dude, and I would hope that he likes me and being that this is the case I would hope that he would want me to stay home and be chilling opposed to be going out. (I mean if you think as a sexist man wouldn’t that be your thoughts, if you were a man at work, wouldn’t you feel a way about your girl going out and if you felt differently then you must not actually like that person.) 

“I am just saying, fine if you want to be unhappy and miserable.” He said and the wheels came to a screeching halt. This comment was completely ridiculous to me. 

Do you know how many miserable and unhappy people are at happy hour? Most of them I would suspect, which is why they are at happy hour. This made me wonder about my so-called friend. I get really tired of explaining to people that I am perfectly happy with my life, in my bedroom, in my house, in Dover, Delaware; Alcohol free, and Tobacco free. But I can understand the concern.

My social life is at about zero and it only changes if someone else makes the suggestion to go to a place…for instance the same friend from the convo above took me to this club, and although I had been there before I would have never gone again had it not been for him. This same friend took me out another time with his friend and his friend’s girl…who linked me to her who then invited me to a Lia Sophia party…again I would not have been involved had it not been for my friend. So if a friend called me at 4:30pm and was like: “Dani, let’s go to blanketeeblank place for happy hour,” well depending on which friend  is asking, I would go. (Seriously it depends on the “friend” because I will turn someone down in a heartbeat.)

I do realize that this is no way to live, hence my resolution to do something without the dependence of someone else. That means go to whatever place, in my car with my money to do my thing, but overall I can’t see myself going to Happy Hour, I don’t understand this “hour.” What am I to do? I don’t really drink, meaning there are like two or three types of drinks I like, but just one of any drink makes me feel funny and therefore I probably shouldn’t drink, especially if I drive myself to a place. And if I  were to go by myself I can guarantee I will just sit there sipping a coke, and if some random jerkface says something to me I am going to ignore them. So then socialization goes all wrong and the whole alleged point to happy hour is lost.

Although I am not content in my situation which is why my resolutions are what they are, I am not completely unhappy nor miserable. I want to be social, but I don’t want to remove myself completely from my comfort zone, (which is partially why I started communicating with my “friend” to begin with, he is in my comfort zone) I am pretty sure things are going to be changing with time anyway, and I will handle my social life as I see fit.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dani!
    I totally get you about going to happy hour and clubs in general. First of all Happy Hour is usually after work, which means I'm tired and I want to go home and spend time with my family. Like you, I don't really drink. And ppl think I'm being prude because I don't get wasted. Whatever! I know my limits, I drive, and I don't like alcohol all that much anyway. The only time I go to clubs is if a friend is having a party there. I have a lot of friends and they all have birthdays so I can find myself in a club at least once or twice a month. Which is enough for me. During the summer I may go out a little more but that's usually because it's the summer time and I don't mind being out bc the weather's nice. Just do what's comfortable for you. Your idea of a fun evening doesn't have to be the same for someone else. Last night I spend the evening blogging and watching movies with my little sister. Had a blast!
