Thursday, December 2, 2010

“You melted like butter…”

...I sure did. When I like someone I like them and that is just the way it is…and it is a long road to me not liking them.

I mean it is like a gradual reality;  I am a woman and I do have an intuition and sometimes it comes to me, but when it does sometimes I just don’t want to listen, because I’m a sucka for love, but not a fool. What I am saying is although I fall hard or think I have fallen hard, and I always usually have a special song to go along with that “love,” I don’t allow myself to be completely blind. I was lucky to have already gone through some things in life, not too bad, but bad enough that I learned and now I know to sleep with one eye open for lack of a better phrase.
A friend of mind told me in college:

“Don’t put all you eggs in one basket.”

And although I heard this over five years ago I didn’t get it until probably last year, or should I say I didn’t put it into play until about a year ago.

I just think it is so funny that when girls love, they feel their hearts surrounded by warmth, and fuzzy wuzzies, and when guys love they feel their penis surrounded by warmth, and fuzzy wuzzies. I know it’s the same ol’ conversation, but it is a reality in many cases.

For instance my mom and I were watching a "play" on DVD, there was an old couple that was like “nowadays girls don’t leave anything to the imagination and they don’t understand that when you act like a lady, men will treat you like one.” This statement is true and bogus at the same time.

It is very true that guys want to take a lady home to mother. I have heard this right from the horse’s mouth several times. Guys will treat a lady like a lady and treat the one who is not so much a lady like a…what she portrays, but in my experience with being a lady, some guys are still disrespectful, and looking at us like sex objects too, no matter how much you cover; as a matter of fact I think it entices a guy MORE when you are covered. Maybe it doesn’t help that I work in a library and that comes with its own cliché, but I know I am still a sex object. The difference is that I feel like I get more respect, not just because of my ladylike qualities, but also because of my age (since I work in a college where most guys are 17-23), and because most of them ask if I attend the school (where I work) and the answer is always “no I graduated from Howard in 2006” so then they think I am smart and also “uptight”. (ARGH, to the stereotypes of my life.)

But overall, guys have major mental disabilities. (I say mental disabilities because many times a guy leaves me utterly confused as I deal with them and I see as mental.) Mental disabilities because sometimes it is hard (no pun intended) for them to get their penises uninvolved in their train of thought in many situations. Some men, because they are men just think different in general.
I am not bashing, actually I think this is a reality that women have to face. Just like the instability of a female’s emotions is a reality that men have to face. Not that a woman should accept or settle for the mental disabilities of a man, (nor should a man accept or settle for some female issues) but when someone with little mental disabilities comes into your life you have to understand that there will be some issues; just like when he is sitting there with you after you curse him out for some miniscule thing he did that you don’t even understand your reasoning for being angry.

Or don’t be ignorant to his issues. If you see them (the issues) and chose (choose) to deal with it then that is what you better do because you are not going to make him change and it is not going to get better it is only going to get worst, in most cases, especially those where you are not married.
So the ending to the above statement was,

“…and I was hard as an axe.” 

A very unromantic statement that holds so many truths to our reality. 

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